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Jia Deli, Hebei: Be the successor of Lei Feng and become the industry model

2022-06-01 10:15:58 Source: Hebei Daily Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Dozens of certificates of honor, dozens of medals, several thick clippings of personal deeds propaganda reports... Open the bookcase and see these "honors", which is a true portrayal of Jia Deli's persistence in inheriting Lei Feng's spirit and being a model in the industry for decades.

Jia Deli, 67 years old, is the president of Shijiazhuang Yinlong Nursing Home, and also a glorious retired soldier. In recent years, he has successively won honorary titles such as "Ten People Who Moved the Provincial City", "National Good Driver for Good Samaritan", and twice won the "National May Day Labor Medal".

"Virtue is the foundation of life. My name just has the word" Virtue ". Virtue is my old Jia's life creed." Faced with many honors, Jia Deli often said so.

In 1976, Jadley ended his six-year military life. On the day he left the team, he felt at a loss for a moment. When he saw the diary with Lei Feng's head printed on it sent by the instructor, he suddenly saw a bright light. He gladly wrote this sentence on the title page of the diary: "Learn from Lei Feng! Make progress and forge ahead all your life. Every thing you do, you have a clear goal and strive to do the best."

Since then, Judy has regarded the spirit of Lei Feng as the coordinate of life growth, and regarded "learning from Lei Feng" as his lifelong pursuit.

Do what you do and love what you do. After his discharge from the army, Jadley worked as a worker in the factory and opened a processing plant. He started renting out in 1997 and has been working for more than ten years.

"The country and the people are in trouble. Although it can't help them, they should do something for the society!" Jia Deli was deeply touched by the fearlessness of medical workers during the SARS epidemic in 2003. In order to pay homage, he sent a proposal to taxi drivers in Shijiazhuang to "send the examination with love" for the children of front-line medical workers, 25 taxi drivers responded immediately and won high praise from the masses.

On April 28, 2004, the first team of "Learning from Lei Feng" consisting of 7 taxis and 13 taxi brothers in our province was officially established. Jia Deli served as the team leader and provided volunteer services to relevant personnel every year on important festivals such as the college entrance examination, the day of helping the disabled, and the Army Day. People affectionately called him "Lei Feng's Brother".

Lei Feng's spirit is spreading and social love is spreading. With the continuous growth of the "Learn from Lei Feng Team", the team has grown from the original 7 taxis to more than 30. "I am the provincial capital, I am Hebei, and I am the messenger of civilization" became the slogan of the taxi industry in Shijiazhuang. When Jia Deli was the captain of the team, he led the team to provide volunteer services for more than 800 lonely elderly and disabled friends. He traveled more than 90000 kilometers, served more than 9000 hours, and donated more than 100000 yuan.

In 2010, with the unveiling of the "Life Harbor" - Judley Nursing Home (now Yinlong Nursing Home), Judley's identity has also changed. "Although the identity has changed, as the inheritor of Lei Feng's spirit, this has never changed."

Lei Feng's photo was hung high in the most obvious position in the office. One line, one line. In order to operate the nursing home well, Jia Deli lives and eats in the hospital. In his spare time, he also passed the national adult self-taught examination and obtained a diploma in elderly service and management. Over the years, stemming from his love for the elderly care industry, with a "nail" spirit, Judy forced himself from a layman to an expert.

"In daily management, we should focus on employee training, internal management, service expansion and other aspects." Jia Deli said that he not only strictly requires himself, but also that all employees must go to work with certificates after assessment. Each employee should have a clear understanding of the life habits and health conditions of the service objects, and be able to calmly respond in case of emergencies.

In recent months, Jia Deli has made a new plan: he plans to build a Lei Feng exhibition room in the nursing home, and build the nursing home into a Lei Feng style nursing home. He will combine the dissemination of Lei Feng's spirit with the cultivation of a new trend of loving and respecting the old, advocate people to respect, support, love and help the old, carry forward the Chinese nation's filial piety culture, and create a warm, harmonious, healthy and civilized atmosphere in the whole society.

"Learning from Lei Feng is my lifelong pursuit, and carrying forward the spirit of Lei Feng is my lifelong career!" Jia Deli said pointing to the Lei Feng badge on his chest.

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