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Tang Shangjun: A 92 year old teacher in Yiyang village has set up a classroom for compulsory tutoring for 33 years

2019-12-10 10:59:23 Source: Yiyang Civilization Office Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Tang Shangjun, male, from Group 7, Wuhan Village, Kuixi Town, with high school education, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He was born in October 1927 and started working in July 1950. He was a teacher of the complete primary school in Kuixi Town in 1952, a teacher of Anhua Agricultural School in 1959, a teacher of the complete primary school in Kuixi Town in 1961, a teacher of Anhua No. 6 Middle School in 1981, retired in 1986, and is now 92 years old.

Now, if the children in the city want to apply for a training class, you can choose the educational institution at the gate of their home. If you want to buy a book of teaching aids, there are a variety of bookstores. But deep in the mountains of Wuhan Village, Kuixi Town, Anhua County, tutoring is a luxury.

Tang Shangjun, a 92 year old retired teacher in the village, went to the county seat, Yiyang City, Changsha, and even Beijing to buy teaching aids for children in order to give them compulsory tutoring. His home is the children's tutoring room, which has lasted for 33 years.

Tang Shangjun's home is deep in the mountains. Driving from the county seat, it takes 2 hours to reach the home on the narrow mountain road without encountering landslides.

Next to a stream and a stone bridge, the wooden house of Tang Shangjun is the most eye-catching. The neighbors nearby have built beautiful buildings, and only he is still guarding the old house.

The classroom where the children usually study is on the second floor of the old house, which is named "book building" by Tang Laolao. The first floor of the house is the living area. Climbing up a steep wooden staircase, it is Tang Laolao's "book building", that is, the classroom where the children study. Although it is simple, it has preserved various textbooks, teaching aids, extra-curricular books, etc. for decades, which Tang Laolao bought at his own expense. Don't underestimate this simple "library", which keeps the "life savings" of the old Tang - hundreds of jin of book manuscripts, thousands of difficult problems, as well as all kinds of excerpted quotations, etc.

Once there was a girl in the village who was not good at math and didn't want to continue studying. Old Tang was worried when he learned that, so he invited her to come home to have a heart to heart talk.

"I know you are not good at maths, and your family is also difficult. You don't miss books, but you are actually afraid of difficulties, right?"

"Grandpa Tang, I used to study. It was more difficult at home. I had to walk 80 miles to school every day. At that time, there were no shoes. It was all mountain roads. How difficult would it be?"

"You are not good at math. You come to Grandpa's house to make up for it. Don't be defeated by difficulties. Don't worry, I will teach you one by one."...... After several persuasions, the child insisted on making up lessons after school, which not only improved his grades, but finally he went out of the village through hard work.

In 2015, Mr. Tang was rated as a moral model, and he was awarded 5000 yuan, which was not yet popular. Mr. Tang took the initiative to pay 3000 yuan to the village. As a scholarship for the children, he also posted 1000 yuan, and bought more than 3000 yuan of teaching aids for the children.

"There is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than man." This is what Old Tang often said. In the eyes of children, Old Tang is such a person who "is not afraid of things, but is afraid not to do". This is the most valuable spiritual wealth to the next generation of Wuhan Village besides knowledge tutoring.

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