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Mao Nianbing: Farmers in Yiyang bravely saved two young people from drowning and saved the happiness of two families

2019-11-25 15:13:42 Source: Yiyang Civilization Office Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Mao Nianbing, male, born in August 1985, is an ordinary farmer in Yangxiang Group, Longtangwan Village, Luyandu Town. Although he is only 35 years old after graduating from high school, he has a good reputation in the village, is active and cheerful, and helps others enthusiastically. Everyone in the village gives him a thumbs up. This time, when talking about his deeds of saving people, none of the villagers expressed surprise, and all felt that this was his "human design". At the critical moment, Mao Nian bing bravely and decisively stepped forward, ran for one kilometer in the cold of December, jumped into the water, rescued a teenager, and then successfully rescued a teenager without vital signs, successfully rescued two young people who fell into the water, and saved the happiness of the two families.

At 2:00 p.m. on January 22, 2019 (December 17, 2018 in the lunar calendar), the left behind children Chen Wenxuan (male, 10 years old), Zhao Jiaxin (female, 12 years old) and Sun Yufeng (female, 11 years old), who lived in Yangxiangtaizishang Village, Longtangwan Village, Luyandu Town, Taojiang County, made an appointment to visit Dawuwan Reservoir near their home. During the tour, 10-year-old Chen Wenxuan accidentally fell into the reservoir and shouted for help, but the only two families near the reservoir were relocated, and there was no adult around. ".? Zhao Jiaxin, who saw her partner fall into the water, tried to pull Chen Wenxuan into the reservoir with the water pipes scattered nearby, but he also fell into the reservoir. He failed to save people, but he was in danger. Seeing this, Sun Yufeng had to rush home to ask for help.

Mao Nianbing, a 34 year old villager who was chatting with the villagers at that time, heard the cry for help, flew to the place where the two children fell into the water, and jumped into the cold reservoir to rescue the two children with the villagers who came from nearby after hearing the news.

According to the villagers, when Mao Nianbing heard the call for help, he really took two steps and made one step to the place where he fell into the water, because the place where Sun Yufeng's child called for help was almost one kilometer away from Dawuwan Reservoir, and the time could not be delayed for a minute. The child's life is at stake and brooks no delay.? According to Mao Nianbing's memory, he was on a short path in the mountain. When he just arrived at the reservoir, he was far away from the reservoir. He didn't have time to see how many children were on the water. Only one child was seen plopping on the water, which was later confirmed to be 12-year-old Zhao Jiaxin. When he breathed a sigh of relief, he flew to the place where the child fell. He threw his mobile phone, driver's license, driving license and 5000 yuan into the bank and jumped into the reservoir.

He didn't know much about water and didn't worry too much. As he said later, whether he could swim or not, the situation at that time was to go into the water to save people. When Zhao Jiaxin was rescued, he turned his head and found another child floating on the water. Because the children's clothes are green and face down. They are completely supported by the buoyancy of clothes, which is not very conspicuous. Nearby villagers just brought a bamboo pole. Mao Nianbing jumped into the reservoir along the bamboo pole. First, he grabbed the child's foot, then pulled it to his side, and then grabbed the child's left hand. At that time, because the child's clothes were water and heavy, he and several villagers worked together to pull the child up. It was later confirmed that this was Chen Wenxuan, who was 10 years old. ".?

After Chen Wenxuan was rescued, his face was purple, his abdomen was swollen, and there was no obvious breath of life. Grandma Chen Wenxuan, who came here after hearing the news, cried to the ground when she saw this situation.? At this time, Mao Nianbing could not care about getting wet all over, and immediately began to squeeze Chen Wenxuan's abdomen and conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After a while, Chen Wenxuan vomited a few mouthfuls of water, his heart and lungs slowly began to recover, his face began to become red, his eyes opened, and his basic vital characteristics were restored. Later, the villagers helped Chen Wenxuan take off his wet clothes. Chen Shasha, Chen Wenxuan's 14-year-old sister, immediately took off her coat and asked everyone to wrap her brother. With the help of the kind villagers, she was sent to the Cormorant Ferry Health Center for further life and health examination. ".? At about 16:30 p.m., Chen Wenxuan's physical indicators returned to normal, and he returned home to recuperate around 17:00.

On January 31, Chen Wenxuan's parents returned to their hometown in Taojiang from the factory where they worked in Jiangxi, and thanked Mao Nianbing, the child's savior, and the kind-hearted villagers nearby. ".? However, he refused to accept the reward given by Chen Wenxuan's parents. Mao Nianbing repeatedly stressed that everyone would do so at that time, not to mention that everyone was from the countryside.

When I first saw Mao Nianbing, I was impressed by a very honest, modest and simple young man. Mao Nianbing, whose ancestral home is Enshi, Hubei Province, grew up in the mountain area and walked briskly along the mountain road. It was his quick step that saved the lives of Chen Wenxuan and Zhao Jiaxin that day. The good deed of Mao Nian bing's brave rescue of drowning children is also popular among local villagers. ".? It was the good people like Mao Nianbing who saved two happy families, and it was Mao Nianbing who acted bravely for good that filled the society with positive energy. Praise him!

Mao Nianbing thought that things were going on like this, and he never thought about mentioning his deeds to outsiders. Later, when the TV station accidentally learned about his deeds, it immediately conducted an interview. He said, I didn't think I was so noble. At that time, I jumped into the water without thinking about anything, and I will do the same in the future.

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