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Dai Wu: Changsha teachers love education and actively participate in public welfare

2019-11-25 15:13:50 Source: Hunan Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Dai Wu, male, 43 years old, has a bachelor's degree and started working in 1997. He is now a teacher of White Horse School in Changsha High tech Zone. He loves education, works conscientiously and responsibly, cares about and loves students, has strong professional ability, and the students in his class are excellent. He used to be the headmaster of the National Emblem School of Changsha High tech Zone. He can set an example, unite colleagues and obey the arrangements, no matter in leadership or teacher positions. He pays attention to his own cultivation, and can take an active part in public welfare activities after work, without saying the cost and return. He often said that to be a teacher is first to be a person, to be honest and upright, and to be beneficial to others and society.

Mr. Dai Wu has suffered from chronic nephritis for nearly 8 years. Although he is in poor health and has heavy work tasks, he always cares for and helps students and others. Yi Zixiang, a child in his class, suffered from congenital heart disease. Teacher Dai Wu often told him not to take part in strenuous exercise and not to eat unhealthy food to avoid aggravating his illness. He often talked with Xiao Zixiang: to face life optimistically, it is easy to get well with a good mood. At the same time, he should believe in science. Such diseases are easy to cure. With his care and help, Xiao Zixiang is cheerful and can play sports with other children, and can stick to every lesson.

Li Xiumei's family is very poor, and she is the son of migrant workers. Her house is a shed made of various materials built beside the wall. She has no fixed income, no education from her parents, and can't even write her name. Her mother has some mental problems. Seeing this, Dai Wu discussed with his wife that he must do his best to help their family. So he often led his wife and daughter to send books, oil, rice, noodles and other school supplies and daily necessities to Li Xiumei's home. During the 2018 Spring Festival, Dai Wu sent more than 1000 yuan of New Year goods to Xiumei's family. After learning that Xiumei's grandmother came to Changsha for the first time to get together with her family, Dai Wu and his wife warmly invited them to a restaurant to have a hearty New Year meal. The Xiumei family said that this was a reunion dinner they would never forget!

New Year's Eve 2018 is a day for all families in China to get together. After the big meal of Dai Wu's family, he took his wife and daughter to the community for a walk. When entering the elevator, he found a red plastic bag in the corner of the elevator. what is it? He first thought that it should be something left by the residents. He opened the package and was really surprised! It's seven yuan! Who was so careless? He should be very worried! We must find the owner at the first time! So the couple split up. Dai Wu took money to the security room at the gate of the community, thinking that the owner would come to the security when he lost his money; Wen Huan dialed 110 to call the police. At the roadside, the police also sent a message to the owner group to ask if the owner of the building had left any items. Less than 10 minutes later, the police arrived at the scene and checked the monitoring video urgently with the assistance of the police and security guards. However, there was a problem with the elevator monitoring, and the broadcast could not be accelerated. There were too many people going in and out during the Spring Festival. After checking for more than three hours, I could not determine who the owner was! What should I do? A total of 70000 yuan, not a small amount, must find the owner! While everyone was anxious to discuss other solutions, the owner's WeChat group came up with the news that one owner said that they had lost something in their house and agreed to meet at Dai Wu's house. The police and Dai Wu's husband and wife returned home with the money, when a couple came in a hurry. It turned out that they moved to the new house in the community today. After settling down, they suddenly found that a plastic bag containing 70000 yuan was missing. The whole family was anxious like ants on a hot pot. On the way back and forth in all corners of the community, they looked for it several times, and also went to the garbage station. But they didn't find it. The wife was so worried that she cried sadly. When the family felt very depressed and hopeless, they thought of going to the security office to ask where they could check the monitoring. The security guard told them, "Don't worry, someone has found the money, called the police, and sent a message to your owner group!" The couple who were a little relieved saw the recruitment notice in the group. When they arrived at Dai Wu's house, the wife of the owner was excited and incoherent. It was verified that they borrowed the 70000 yuan from their relatives. When they moved, they lost many items. The owner was grateful. He must give Dai Wu a red envelope, but he refused to accept it. Dai Wu said that we are all a family, and I can have a happy New Year when I find the owner!

It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to return money and help others. It is the best way to test a person's moral character to find a lot of money without knowing it. Mr. Dai Wu is not affected by money. He tries his best to find the owner, which shows his noble moral character.

In his opinion, taking care of family members and helping people in need is a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning. However, it is such unknown people, it is such small things that interpret the great love of the world! Comrade Dai Wu deserves to be a good man in Hunan and a pioneer in helping others!

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