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Zhang Cheng: Yiyang Caring People Donate Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Revive 5-year-old Children with Leukemia

2019-11-25 15:14:08 Source: Yiyang Civilization Office Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

On September 17, Zhang Cheng, a staff member of Yiyang Municipal Market Supervision Administration, successfully donated hematopoietic stem cells in Changsha Xiangyasan Hospital. This "seed of life" will be given to a 5-year-old leukemia patient to relay his life. This is the first case of Yiyang City's government functionaries participating in the donation of hematopoietic stem cells. Zhang Cheng, male, a member of the Communist Party of China, was born in Heshan District, Yiyang City in February 1982. He joined the work in August 2001, and has successively worked in the Food and Drug Administration of Yiyang City, the Market Supervision Administration of Yiyang City and other units. He is now the deputy director of the staff of the Market Supervision Administration of Yiyang City.

When playing in danger in childhood, the strange man helped, and the seed of "love" took root.

Zhang Cheng was born in an ordinary cadre family. An accidental event made the seed of "love" deeply rooted in his heart. It was in 1993, when 11 year old Zhang Cheng and three classmates went to Huilong Mountain to play together, he accidentally fell off the water tower, and his seven orifices bled and lost consciousness. When the nearby villagers carried him down the mountain, they met a kind stranger.

When seeing the small journey covered with blood, the stranger immediately asked the nearby "slow tour" driver to help him take them to the hospital (in the era when there was no taxi, people used to take a kind of transportation called "slow tour"), but no "slow tour" driver was willing to take him. The stranger offered 500 yuan to the driver just now. Little Zhang Cheng was sent to a hospital. After the doctor examined him, he shook his head: "Go back, the child can't be saved." The stranger didn't give up. He took Little Zhang Cheng to another hospital and was rejected again... Finally, the stranger sent Little Zhang Cheng to the People's Hospital in Yiyang District at that time. After confirming the hospital's admission, He paid more than 4000 yuan in advance for medical treatment and then left quietly. After Zhang Cheng recovered from his illness, he found out the name of his benefactor Wang Zhenghui after several twists and turns.

Zhang Cheng was deeply touched by this incident. He secretly made up his mind that when he grew up, he must be like Wang Zhenghui, the "savior", and try his best to help those who need help.

Help the homeless and help the rescuers go home. He conveys warmth with love.

Since then, the seed of "love" has deeply rooted in Xiao Zhangcheng's heart. When encountering bad people and bad things, he will come forward regardless of everything; Seeing someone in trouble, he would not hesitate to lend a hand

Once, a homeless person came to the community where Xiao Zhangcheng lived and picked up food from the trash can to eat. Seeing the tramp's shabby clothes, sallow and emaciated, Zhang Cheng feels pity. He immediately organized his friends to help the homeless. Zhang Cheng takes out the washbasin and towel at home to wash the faces of the vagrants, and secretly takes out the food at home to give to the vagrants. With the help of Xiao Zhang Cheng, this tramp has lived here for a long time.

In his first month at work, Zhang Cheng ran into a caller at Yiyang Railway Station. The caller told Zhang Cheng that his wallet had been stolen. He hoped Zhang Cheng could lend him some money and return it when he returned home. At that time, Zhang Cheng was carrying the 700 yuan salary he had just issued in his pocket. He didn't hesitate. All the 700 yuan he didn't leave was given to the caller.

Although the caller did not return the money as agreed at the time, Zhang Cheng said: "Although I lost 700 yuan, it means that no one needed help at that time, which is better." The simple words just reflect Zhang Cheng's open-minded and kind heart.

Success in matching is regarded as "winning the prize", and children show their love. The father worries and comforts his family.

On June 20, Zhang Cheng received a notice from the Red Cross that his hematopoietic stem cells were successfully matched with a patient from other provinces.

"The matching was successful. OK, I would like to donate bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. A simple task can save both a life and a family. Why not do it?" Zhang Cheng was very happy when he learned that the matching was successful. He said that when he learned that someone had successfully matched his hematopoietic stem cells, he felt as if he had won the big prize, Because the probability is very small.

The donation process takes a long time. After completing the high resolution test on June 22, Zhang Cheng completed the physical examination on July 26, accompanied by the staff of the Municipal Red Cross Society. On August 26, Zhang Cheng received the collection letter from the Hunan Management Center of the China Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donor Database, which was scheduled for September 12-17.

The time for donating stem cells happens to include the Mid Autumn Festival. In order to avoid his parents' worry, Zhang Cheng wants to hide it first. So he called his father and said that if he wanted to go to other places for a meeting, he would not be able to spend the Mid Autumn Festival at home. Maybe his father knew Zhang Cheng too well, and his white lie was exposed at once. Facing his father's question, Zhang Cheng had to tell the truth that he was going to donate stem cells.

Father couldn't accept it at the moment. He is still so young, and he has not even become a father. What if there is something wrong with his body? In the face of his father's incomprehension, Zhang Cheng patiently persuaded him: "When I fell, I would have died if a stranger had not offered a helping hand. Now, I have a chance to save the life of another stranger. Why not? In addition, the donation of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells is not what you think. It does not need to draw bone marrow directly. It only requires subcutaneous injection of mobilization agent to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells to enter the peripheral blood vessels and then separate them from the blood, which has no impact on the donor's body... "With Zhang Chengxiao's reasoning and emotional persuasion, his father expressed understanding.

When I came to the hospital, I saw Zhang Cheng who was collecting hematopoietic stem cells. He lay on the hospital bed with his hands in the tube, but his face was full of smiles. Seeing the leaders who came to visit him, he said hurriedly, "Everyone is so busy, don't worry about me!" When the Red Cross staff asked about the physical reaction after the injection of the mobilization agent, he also played it down.

"When you give roses to others, you will find a lingering fragrance in your hand." When he receives a letter from a helped child, Zhang Cheng tries to raise his head, insists on raising his hand to hold the letter, and carefully reads the lines of childish words. At this time, Zhang Cheng's eyes are red. "Men don't tear lightly", which is his sincere happiness for the children to have the opportunity to regain their lives.

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