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Zhou Weili

2019-10-28 11:41:48 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Zhou Weili is a member of the Professional Committee of Repair and Reconstruction Surgery of Hunan Rehabilitation Medical Association, a young academic member of the Central and Southern Area of the Handsurgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the 11th Committee of the Hunan Youth Federation, a member of the expert group of Changsha Orthopedic Famous Doctors Studio, and a member of the Changsha Institute of 3D Printing Technology Medical Applications. He applied his painting expertise to clinical work while seriously studying the clinical work. He helped doctors and patients communicate through painting. In combination with popular language, he painted thousands of surgical plan drawings by hand in seven years to build a fast channel for communication between doctors and patients. He loves innovation and has participated in many provincial and municipal scientific research projects, presided over one scientific research project of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and one scientific research project of the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, participated in the design of many utility model patents and national invention patents, published many papers in core journals, and participated in the compilation of the book Clinical Application and Evaluation of 3D Printing Technology in Orthopedics.

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Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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