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Ding Li

2019-10-28 11:41:44 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Ding Li entered the tax work in 1990, and she had an indissoluble bond with the tax cause. During several years of working in the tax hall, Ding Li led her team to always focus on "service", practice the service concept of "no trivial matters for taxpayers" with her words and deeds, and become a banner of high-quality service of the High tech Zone Bureau. In particular, in the reform of "replacing business tax with VAT", Ding Li led her team to the front line with "5+2" and "white+black". From data entry, conversion and upgrading of tax control instruments, to verification of taxpayer ticket types, filing of tax exemptions, and issuance of invoices on behalf of others, she did everything in detail. For a month in succession, she not only did not take a day off, but always left first to last every day. When tired, I beat my sore shoulder, when sleepy, I fell in front of the computer to take a nap, and when hungry, I ate some biscuits. On the morning of May 18, 2018, Ding Li felt a faint pain in her stomach, but she still insisted on going to the office. After the morning meeting, she managed to arrange the work in the hall. As a result, when she was sent to the hospital in the afternoon for examination, it was intestinal obstruction, and she needed to open the abdominal cavity immediately for surgery. After the surgery, she only had a month's rest, and then insisted on going to work, and when she went to work, she kept going. In her 28 years of tax work, she has been repeatedly rewarded by the superior authorities for her third class merit, and has been rated as "Outstanding Communist Party Member", "Advanced Female Meritorious Individual", "Lei Feng style People's Servant", "Most American Taxpayer" and "May Day Labor Medal".

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Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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