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Deng Jie

2019-10-28 11:40:07 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Deng Jie, head of Changsha Baiguoyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. She treats every customer with integrity and never sells fake and inferior products. In the summer of 2017, because of the hot weather, the fresh beef in the morning had gone bad in the plastic bag. Deng Jie immediately brought fresh beef and gifts to apologize to the customer after knowing that; Treat every employee with integrity. Since he has been in charge for more than 10 years, he has never defaulted on employees' wages. Even in the most difficult time of entrepreneurship, he would rather borrow money to pay employees' wages in full and on time; She is also honest with suppliers and peers, never defaulting on payment to suppliers, and often gives technical and financial support to peers. Liu Jia, a poor crowd in Jinshanqiao, is a vegetable supplier of Baiguoyuan Restaurant and also a target of targeted poverty alleviation. Her family has a heavy burden and financial difficulties. She not only guides him to plant vegetables, but also buys all vegetables he grows at a price higher than the market price. Since the establishment of Baiguoyuan, there has not been a customer conflict or labor dispute. Under her leadership, Baiguoyuan has been rated as a "contract abiding and trustworthy unit" by Hunan Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce for many years.

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Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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