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Zhang Wenqing

2019-10-28 11:39:49 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Zhang Wenqing is a resident of Xujiaqiao Community, Wushan Street, Wangcheng District. At 10:00 on March 13, 2019, Duo Ai Home Textile Store in Xujiaqiao Market Town, Wushan Street suddenly caught fire. Because most of the stores were flammable, the fire spread quickly, and there was no time to put it out. The powerful firepower burned all the goods in the store in a flash, locked the only outlet of the store in the accident, and began to affect neighboring stores. Hu Dingju, 63, and his wife were trapped on the second floor of the building with diseases. They were in an emergency situation. Zhang Wenqing, who was working at the nearby construction site, knew after seeing the billowing smoke that there must be an accident, and ran around several hundred meters to the scene of the accident. At this time, the fire truck had not arrived, and the whole house was already covered in smoke and fire. Hu Dingju and his wife might encounter an accident at any time, but there was not even a ladder to save people around. At this critical moment, Zhang Wenqing, regardless of his personal safety, clamped the wall pier of the resident with his bare hands, jumped onto the nearly two meter high wall, climbed through the wall to the top of the shed built with colored steel tiles, and without tools, used his feet to pedal the wall and his arms to break the screw and the guard claw of the anti-theft window, repeatedly pulled the anti-theft window open on the second floor, and successfully rescued two elderly people.

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Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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