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Lin Mingchang

2019-10-28 11:39:46 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

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Lin Mingchang, physically handicapped, chairman of Hongcheng Advertising Co., Ltd., founder of Ningxin Disabled Persons Service Center in Dayao Town, chairman of Liuyang Handicapped Association. In 2005, he lost his hands due to an accident, but he did not lose his strength. He worked hard to overcome difficulties and set up Hongcheng Advertising Co., Ltd. in Dayao Market Town, integrating design and installation. In 2013, the charity and disability fund of 50000 yuan was established. In the same year, due to continuous self-improvement and selfless dedication, it was rated as the "self-improvement model" for the disabled in Dayao Town. In 2016, self raised funds of more than 600000 yuan were listed to establish the "Liuyang Dayao Town Disabled Persons Service Center". Free day care, skill training, rehabilitation training, employment guidance, legal aid, marriage introduction, cultural entertainment, psychological counseling and other services are provided for the disabled.

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Copyright: Lei Feng, China Postcode: 410217
Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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