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Tang Buddha

October 28, 2019 11:39:33 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Tang Fo came from a very poor family in rural areas. He even completed his studies by means of student loans. Since then, he has vowed to help poor families when he has a job. Since 2013, they have regularly squeezed money out of their own pockets to donate to relevant public welfare institutions or platforms for rural public welfare activities. In 2016, in order to donate to the rural education support activities, he did not hesitate to donate 400 yuan of part-time salary earned from one month's delivery. He loves writing and likes to participate in essay contests. Every time he receives a bonus, he immediately donates, 200, 300, 500, 1000. No matter how much money is, he never begrudges. From 2013 to 2018, he went to rural organizations or participated in more than 60 public welfare activities, including teaching support, free clinic, cultural benefit, research, and condolences. In 2016, he gave up the opportunity to work for relatives during the summer vacation and devoted himself to rural volunteer education activities. In 2017, when he heard that Ningxiang was hit by a once-in-a-century flood, he resolutely quit his internship unit to devote himself to volunteer activities in rural reconstruction after disasters. In 2018, he applied for annual leave, followed the Poverty Alleviation Team of the Provincial Department of Education to carry out condolence activities in deep poverty villages in Xupu, Huaihua. Over the years, his public welfare footprints have remained in the rural poor areas of Ningxiang, Linxiang, Xupu, Shaoyang, Xinjiang and other places. He said that the youth he dedicated was the most beautiful. He was only 24 years old, but he had already registered as a body donation volunteer.

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