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Tang Lin

October 28, 2019 11:39:29 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Teacher Tang Lin started education charity in 2009. The first students to be assisted were the students of Changsha No. 1 Middle School. Four students were funded and graduated from Senior One to Senior Three, with 1000 yuan per student per year. In 2011, Teacher Tang Lin officially launched the "Yingming Direct Donation" activity, mainly to help students in poor areas such as Xiangxi, Tibet and Xinjiang in Hunan Province. In the first half of 2018, the first "Warm Winter Action" initiated by Teacher Tang Lin raised 4400 pairs of new shoes and sent them to Tibetan schools. In October 2018, the second "Warm Winter Action" initiated by Teacher Tang Lin raised more than 20000 pieces and sent them to Tibetan schools in person. It was the first time to go to Tibet for assistance in 2012. By 2019, in seven years, it had gone to Tibet eight times for educational assistance, covering more than 170000 kilometers. More than 30 schools were assisted, and hundreds of student families were visited in schools and counties in Tibet. The assistance benefited thousands of students, and the total amount of aid materials and funds was millions of yuan. There are also many schools and children in remote areas in the province: Luoyixi School in Guzhang County in western Hunan, which has also been assisted for 6 years; Duanlong Township School in Guzhang County, 5 years of assistance; Zhengshan Primary School, Huangqiao Town, Dongkou County, Shaoyang, with 4 years of assistance. Hundreds of students were assisted.

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