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Chen Zhuoyu

2019-10-11 11:51:02 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Comrade Chen Zhuoyu is now the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Delta Community, Xinhe Street, Kaifu District. Engaged in community work in 2009. She has no grand deeds or amazing feats, but she has worked hard in ordinary posts, and has been actively serving the community for ten years. She rushed ahead in flood control, flood fighting, ice shoveling and snow removal; Volunteer service and community building, she did it herself; She poured out her purse to help with charity aid and poverty alleviation. She shines with the spirit of community craftsman in the new era -- patience, dedication, persistence, professionalism, dedication and dedication. Her work achievements have been praised by leaders and recognized by residents. Won "National Urban Culture" for many times

"Advanced Individual of Mingdu Index Evaluation", "Advanced Individual of Kaifu District Flood Fighting and Rescue", "Outstanding Party Worker of Kaifu District" and other honorary titles.

Love the community and be willing to contribute

Now 32 years old, Chen Zhuoyu has an indissoluble bond with the Delta community. In 2008, after graduating from college, he entered Xinhe Street and participated in the demolition of the delta. From Fengzui Road Community to Delta Community; From a professional to a community secretary, she has almost witnessed the development and changes of the New River Delta in the past decade. What remains unchanged is her love for the community and her dedication to community work. She also devoted her best youth to community work.

Because of her work, she basically spent Saturday and Sunday working overtime, and had little time for rest. Chen Zhuoyu's husband once asked her to rank her work and family. She said, "Work must come first and family second.". For this reason, her husband has always had a grudge. In order to work better, the only son has been taken care of by his parents since he was born. In 2016, a child of more than 5 months was hospitalized due to acute laryngitis. At that time, Chen Zhuoyu was busy working and had no time to accompany him in the hospital. Chen Zhuoyu's father-in-law and mother-in-law are all in other places. As a daughter-in-law, she has no time to be filial. Every year, she can only visit the elderly during the Spring Festival.

Take the lead in hard work

Chen Zhuoyu is hardworking, conscientious and dedicated, and has made outstanding contributions to community construction with a rigorous working attitude and selfless dedication. She insists on constantly learning the Party's line, principles and policies, insists on doing a good job in the team, leading the team, and taking the lead in community work. Delta community is located at Jiaoyoukou, Liuyang River, Xiangjiang River, with heavy flood control task.

During the flood control period in 2017, Chen Zhuoyu took the lead in guarding the riverbank, never letting up. He shuttled back and forth in the community during the day and night and investigated the danger in the flood control area. Only in the early morning did she drag herself home. One night, she returned home from the embankment to the downstairs of her unit, and found that it was raining heavily. Although other colleagues in the community were on duty, she was still worried. In order to ensure safety in the flood season, Chen Zhuoyu looked at her home near by, and immediately returned to the flood control duty point without hesitation. That night, it was the first time for her child, who was only over one year old, to sleep alone without her mother's company.

In 2017, the community carried out blue sky defense activities. To dissuade merchants in the area from outdoor barbecue, she worked overtime for more than a month. Every night, she had to work at more than 12 o'clock. The next morning, she still went to work normally.

In January 2018, heavy snow fell in Changsha. In order to ensure the traffic safety of Bolong Flyover and Yinpenling Bridge Ramp, Secretary Chen and most staff of Delta Community were transferred to these key roads and bridges for snow removal and ice removal to ensure the safety of key roads. However, the snow removal and de icing work in the Delta community cannot be carried out due to insufficient number of people. Secretary Chen comforted the residents and staff with opinions. After the snow and ice removal of key sections was completed, the roads in the community were frozen. On the one hand, Secretary Chen organized the units and residents in the area under his jurisdiction to carry out snow and ice removal in the community, on the other hand, he used personal relations to find shovel trucks from outside to carry out snow and ice removal in the community. At night, he fought until more than 12 o'clock, At 5 o'clock in the morning, Secretary Chen got up and put himself into work. He fought hard continuously and did not return home for four days. The snow and ice removal work for key roads and communities was successfully completed.

Serve the people personally

Mass work is the focus of community work. Chen Zhuoyu firmly established the concept that there is no trivial matter in the interests of the masses and insisted on putting the interests of the people first. Always adhere to the wishes and needs of the masses as the starting point and foothold of community work.

In 2015, Delta Community used the overhead floor provided by the developer to renovate into functional rooms such as library, chess and card room, which caused opposition from the residents of the building. Residents blocked in the decorated activity room and argued with community personnel. Chen Zhuoyu, who was the community director at that time, was on maternity leave after giving birth. She immediately rushed to the scene to mediate and pacify the residents. Originally, the community was kind enough to build activity rooms for residents, but the result was that residents were dissatisfied. Some community members feel aggrieved, but Chen Zhuoyu is deeply touched by this matter. How to start from the interests of residents and meet their needs has become the most important issue for her community work. Chen Zhuoyu promoted the "participatory concept" into community work, regularly organized residents' meetings, discussion meetings, coordination meetings, etc., actively reported to the party members and the masses, and promoted residents' autonomy according to law and democratic management of community public affairs. Chen Zhuoyu led community party members to carry out voluntary services, providing door-to-door services for the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the poor in the area under his jurisdiction. Proceeding from reality, he carried out targeted livelihood services, elderly services and characteristic services, bringing happiness and warmth to vulnerable community residents, retired elderly and party members in difficulty.

Take root at the grassroots level and never forget the original intention

Chen Zhuoyu's family is in good condition. She doesn't need to work to support her family. She can also find a better platform and have better treatment when she leaves the community. Many friends also don't understand why she has worked in the community for ten years without jumping out to make her life easier. Chen Zhuoyu said, "I never wanted to leave. I came to the community after graduating from college. I chose to work in the community. I want to see how much value I can play for the community through my own efforts."

Chen Zhuoyu is most happy that her efforts are recognized by the residents. There is a grandmother Jiang in her 80s in the community. She buys fruit every few months and goes to the community to visit Secretary Chen Zhuoyu and other community workers. During the Spring Festival, Grandma Jiang would call Chen Zhuoyu to ask for warmth. When talking about Chen Zhuoyu, Grandma Jiang said, "Over the years, we have always welcomed the residents with a smile, warm and thoughtful. She is a good community secretary."

When Chen Zhuoyu was in Ningxiang for disaster relief, she once supported a pair of poor children whose parents died in Ningxiang

Under the leadership of Chen Zhuoyu, Delta Community has successively won municipal civilized community, municipal demonstration community, and municipal health community. It has been recognized as the fourth batch of social science popularization demonstration bases in Changsha, and successfully passed the acceptance of the first batch of district quality and file improvement work. Pingsha Road in its jurisdiction has been rated as the district food safety demonstration street and other honorary titles. Chen Zhuoyu will also continue to take root at the grass-roots level, stick to his original intention, and lead the community to achieve greater results. Chen Zhuoyu is writing a wonderful life of a grass-roots community worker and interpreting a moving story of no dedication with a simple love and a sincere love for his job. She shows the spirit of community craftsmen in the new era with practical actions. She makes trivial and ordinary community work shine with her persistent dedication and sincere dedication.

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