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Xu Shunchi

11:49:20, October 11, 2019 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Xu Shunchi, male, Han nationality, born in April 1973, deputy chief physician, is currently the director of interventional vascular surgery of Changsha Fourth Hospital. He has won many awards from superior departments. In 2016, it won the third prize of the Municipal Health Commission. The second Hurun Ping An China Good Doctors List in 2018 was listed as a doctor. In an accident more than 40 years ago, Xu Shunchi's right hand was accidentally injured by a machine when he was only 4 years old. Although his right hand was finally saved, his right index finger was still missing. Looking at his right hand with only four fingers and his parents' painful and guilty eyes, Xu Shunchi secretly determined to learn medicine when he grew up, be a good doctor, and relieve patients and pain for the common people! Xu Shunchi is disabled, but he is self disciplined and self strengthening. After graduating from a secondary technical school in Changsha Health School, he was assigned to a township hospital to become a medical technician. After decades of hard research, he moved step by step from township hospitals to county hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine, and was introduced to Changsha Fourth Hospital as a talent; From a medical technician to a medical department director of a tertiary hospital, he was listed in the second Hurun Ping An Chinese Good Doctors List in 2018. Since September 2014, when the Fourth Hospital of Changsha was appointed as the interventional vascular surgery, it has grown from scratch. At present, the medical level of interventional vascular surgery in the Fourth Hospital of Changsha has reached the level of provincial hospitals. For five years, he has worn 40 kg of lead clothes every day to work in front of the DSA operating table. He often stands for several hours to complete more than 2000 operations. There has never been a medical accident or medical dispute. But the radiation he "eats" every day is equivalent to taking tens of thousands of chest films. At the end of the day, people are sweating, aching in the waist and legs, and working overtime is more common.

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