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Zhou Jian, Peng Shilin

October 11, 2019 11:38:02 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

At about 17:00 on September 11, 2018, Zhou Jian was feeding fish at his own pond, and a loud "bang" disturbed the peace and tranquility of all this. When Zhou Jian looked up, a big hole appeared in the wall 20 meters away. A red car "rushed" in and plunged into a fish pond more than 3 meters deep, slowly sinking. "No, something serious has happened!" Zhou Jian shook off the fish grass in his hand and rushed to the water area. "Can you swim? Can you swim? Quickly open the door and climb out!" "I can't swim, please help me!" The driver shouted in panic. Seeing this, Zhou Jian hurriedly said to him, "Don't panic, it will be OK. Get on the roof, and I will come to rescue you!" At this time, Peng Shilin, the neighbor who heard the noise, also rushed to the scene. In a short time, the water was over the roof, and the driver standing on the roof was so nervous that his hands and feet were shaking. When life and death were at stake, Zhou Jian and Peng Shilin had no time to think about it. They jumped into the pond and swam to the drowning driver. When they reached the vehicle in the water, they held the driver's arm together and pulled him up from the car that had never entered the water. Following the bamboo pole thrown by Zhou Jian's wife, he swam hard to the shore, and the whole process lasted only four minutes. After landing, the frightened driver's legs became weak and collapsed on the ground. Zhou Jian and Peng Shilin took him home to have a hot bath and changed into clean clothes. The next day, Zhou Jian also cooperated with the driver to lift the trolley out of the pond in time.

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Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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