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Chen Tianxi

October 11, 2019 11:37:09 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Chen Tianxi, a member of the General Party Branch of Runlong Community, Meixihu Street, and a retired serviceman, resolutely invited the fight to Huarong County, Yueyang City, the first line in the fight against floods, in 1998, when the Yangtze River basin in China experienced a once-in-a-century catastrophic flood. He sacrificed his life to rush into the torrent and fought hard to protect the lives and property of the people all day and night. Due to his outstanding performance, he was rated as a "hero in the fight against floods", In 1999, Chen Tianxi took part in the flood fighting and rescue work in Junshan section of Yueyang. He jumped into the torrent to save the people without hesitation, and became one of the 10 party members "joining the party on the line of fire" due to his outstanding performance. In the middle of July 2008, Chen Tianxi found a car fell into the river in Longwangxiang. He didn't have time to think much about it. He plunged into the river on his head and rescued a child from a family of three inside the car. When a reporter came to the car to interview him on the spot and asked him what his name was, he replied proudly, "I am a member of the Communist Party of China". After that, he had a high fever for several days, and his leading colleagues gave him thumbs up. The city and its units awarded him the "Good Samaritan" award, but he donated all the bonuses to poor students.

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