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Chen Jiankai

October 11, 2019 11:34:47 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

In July 2017, the flood threatened the life and property safety of the people in Ningxiang. Chen Jiankai spontaneously organized more than 40 commandos to rescue Batang Town, led the commandos to paddle in boats, rescued 43 people and evacuated more than 500 people. In June 2018, Chen Jiankai invested 500000 yuan and rented a six storey building to build the employment and entrepreneurship base for retired soldiers in Ningxiang City and the veterans' home. The base provides free entry and office for retired soldiers with entrepreneurial projects and dreams. The veterans' home implements the policy of free entry for active soldiers, military veterans, and martyrs' parents across the country, This is only to arouse the whole society's respect and more care for ex servicemen. An employment training center has been set up, providing free employment and entrepreneurship guidance and reemployment vocational skills training for more than 400 ex servicemen. Rent the first floor of Ningxiang Culture and Sports Center as a talent recruitment market, hold regular talent recruitment fairs, and introduce various types of jobs to thousands of people with employment needs, such as ex servicemen, college students, returning migrant workers, and migrant workers.

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Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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