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Liao Beihui

October 11, 2019 11:32:39 Source: Changsha Civilization Website Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Liao Beihui, female, Han nationality, born in May 1973, holds a master's degree, is an English teacher of the School of Foreign Languages of Central South Forestry University, and a resident of Chigangling Community, Jingwanzi Street, Yuhua District. Since 2003, she has become the mother of a Grade I disabled child for 16 years. From the process of raising, rehabilitating and accompanying her severely disabled son, she has witnessed the hardships and hardships of many disabled families. In order to enable the parents of these disabled families to take better care of their children and life, Liao Beihui has started to plan and establish a public welfare organization since 2016, Alleviate the needs of disabled families for child care. The Heng'ai Home, which was organized by her, was responsible for the daily care, counseling and education of 8 disabled children, and was responsible for the voluntary home delivery of 15 severely disabled children who were out of school. After 16 years of perseverance, she has extended her love for her children to families that also suffer from such hardships. For families whose children are physically healthy, this may be equivalent to a kindergarten everywhere, but for families with disabilities who are experiencing difficulties that outsiders cannot empathize with, this is great comfort, care and hope. In recent years, she has successively held more than 50 public welfare activities of disability integration in different sizes and forms to make people from all walks of life care about the disabled, form a good atmosphere for helping the disabled in the community society, let the disabled families embrace warmth, and make Everlasting Love Home become a community positive energy gathering and broadcasting center.

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Time of visit: 9:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (visitors are not allowed to enter at 16:30) Closed time: Monday (except national holidays) ICP record: Xiang B1.B2-20070067-10
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