Mini MSD connector

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Mini MSD:|  200A   |  250A   |  315A   |  350A   |  400A   |

MSD switch:| 200A   |  250A   |  315A   |  350A   |  400A   |  450A   |  500A   | 550A 630A |

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Product Introduction

Mini MSD manual service switch It is a mini manual maintenance protection switch with high-voltage interlock function used for the high-voltage box or battery box of electric vehicles. It is mainly used to protect and control the internal main circuit of electric vehicles, prevent excessive current, and disconnect the main circuit current in case of emergency. This mini manual service disconnect (mini MSD) is used to charge plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and has a high-voltage interlock loop (HVIL). The plug has two levers to open the high voltage circuit before the high voltage contacts disengage. MSD provides disconnection of internal high-voltage battery pack without professional tools, and protects the battery from short circuit. With high access protection, this Mini MSD provides a safe and reliable solution for PHEV maintenance. Mini MSD provides a more compact and cost-effective alternative to standard MSD.

MSD data

MSD electronic catalog download

Product drawing:   Mini msd Specification.pdf (Click to download)

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