When purchasing wire harnesses, purchasers need to adapt high-voltage or low-voltage wire harnesses according to the application scenarios of the wire harnesses. The two types of wire rods have different differences in many aspects. Purchasing personnel need to know the performance requirements and use requirements of the two harnesses in advance to effectively guarantee the maximum transmission effect in the electrical application of vehicles. At the same time, ensure the stability and safety of the electrical connection. that High voltage harness What are the differences with low-voltage harness? Deso Precision Industrial Engineer will give you a scientific overview of the differences between the two harnesses.

The high-voltage harness and low-voltage line of new energy vehicles are used to transmit power and signals. High voltage wire harness is mainly used in high voltage occasions such as automobile engine, ignition and fuel injection system. Low voltage wire harness should be used in low voltage situations such as vehicle lighting, entertainment and safety systems. There are obvious performance and application distinctions between the two types of harnesses. Proper selection of harnesses can ensure various performance and safety guarantees in use.

The main differences are as follows:

1. Voltage and transmission capacity: high-voltage harness is used to transmit high voltage and large current to meet the requirements of advanced vehicle systems. Low voltage lines transmit low current and low voltage electrical energy.

2. Component requirements: The characteristics of components required for HV and LV lines are different. High voltage lines need durable, insulated and heat-resistant components, such as high-temperature resistant wire insulation and high-voltage insulation sleeve. Low voltage lines need flexible, portable and easy to install components, such as harnesses, connectors and insulation to be covered.

3. Safety requirements: High voltage lines have a high risk of electric shock because they are equipped with higher voltage power supplies. In order to ensure the safety of electrical appliances and operators, protective tubes and insulating materials are usually used for protection to prevent accidents.

4. Cost and complexity: The manufacturing cost of high-voltage lines is usually higher because the manufacturing and installation of components are more complex. In contrast, the manufacture of low-voltage lines is more common, simple and inexpensive. Cost and performance shall be balanced when designing the line.

After reading the above content, we should be very clear about the question "What are the differences between high-voltage harness and low-voltage harness?". For more technical knowledge related to wire harnesses, Deso Precision Industrial Operation Team will continue to collate and update, and interested users can come to our Official website Search and view. Deso Precision Industry is a manufacturer focusing on the processing and production of wire harness connectors. With 18 years of rich experience, it has a complete range of products, reliable quality and stable performance, which can fully meet the requirements of connectors and Wire harness Product demand. If you need to purchase wire harnesses and their connectors, you can call our toll free hotline at 400-6263-698 at any time. Professional engineers can answer your questions online 24 hours a day.

In the production process of high-voltage harness, there are strict requirements for its own manufacturing process to ensure the production quality and use reliability of harness. In use, in order to better distinguish application scenarios, harness colors are also identified in detail to distinguish, so that application scenarios can be identified more quickly. Before purchasing high-voltage wire harness, purchasers need to fully understand and master the manufacturing process standards of high-voltage wire harness and the meaning of wire harness color, so as to better select and use high-quality high-voltage wire harness products. What is the manufacturing process and color meaning of high-voltage harness? Today by Deso Precision Industry The engineer popularized the manufacturing process standards and color meanings of high-voltage wire harness for everyone.

The manufacturing process of high-voltage harness is very complex, which mainly includes the following key steps:

Conductor stripping: firstly, the cable is stripped to expose the conductor for subsequent connection and insulation treatment.

Wire braiding: according to the design requirements, multiple wires are woven into a whole to form the basic structure of the harness and ensure the flexibility and durability of the cable.

Insulation treatment: the conductor is insulated, usually with insulating sleeve, insulating tape and other materials to enhance the safety and insulation capacity of the cable.

Bundle assembly: assemble the braided wires and fix them on the frame of the car to ensure that the harness will not be loose or affected by vibration and ensure the stability of the whole car.

Outer sheath: finally, the outer sheath is added to the harness to protect the harness from external damage and enhance durability and reliability.

Cables and wires in high-voltage harnesses are usually identified with insulating materials of different colors, so as to distinguish them during manufacturing, installation and maintenance. The following are common colors and their meanings in general:

Orange: usually indicates the high-voltage DC power line, connected to the battery pack.

Blue: usually indicates the high-voltage AC power line, connected to the motor.

Green: usually refers to the ground wire, which is connected to the ground point of the vehicle body to ensure the safe operation of the vehicle.

Yellow: usually refers to low-voltage lines, such as control signal lines.

Red: usually refers to high-voltage lines, but different manufacturers sometimes use orange, which needs to refer to the specifications of specific models or manufacturers.

The above colors are only general standards, and may be different for different models and manufacturers. Therefore, in actual use, refer to relevant vehicle data or manufacturer's instructions to confirm the corresponding meaning of harness colors.

After reading the above contents, I believe you have a clearer understanding of the "manufacturing process and color meaning of high-voltage harness". More technical data related to high-voltage harnesses will be continuously sorted and updated by Deso Precision Industry editors, and interested users can go to the official website at any time https://www.china-guan.com/ Search and view. Deso Precision Industry With 18 years of experience in the R&D and manufacturing of high-voltage harnesses, it has brought professional connection application solutions to users. The factory adopts advanced fully automated production lines, and is also equipped with comprehensive laboratory testing equipment to ensure high standard product quality, and also provides flexible product customization services. If you need to purchase high-voltage harnesses and connectors, you can call the hotline 400-6263-698 at any time to contact our professional engineer team to answer your questions.

High voltage wiring harness plays a vital role in the intelligent control and electric control system of new energy vehicles. It provides multiple protection measures for the transmission and use of high voltage electric energy carried by new energy vehicles, as well as power transmission, to ensure the safety performance of new energy vehicles to the greatest extent, and constantly improve the performance of vehicles in operation. Therefore, it is necessary for purchasers to deeply understand and analyze the characteristics and functions of high-voltage harnesses. Be able to accurately select high-quality high-voltage wire harness products in the subsequent procurement process to meet the demand for high-performance new energy vehicles. What are the characteristics and functions of the high-voltage harness of new energy vehicles? The following is a detailed description of the characteristics, contents and functions of high-voltage harnesses by Deso Precision Industrial Engineer.

Compared with traditional automobile harnesses, high-voltage harnesses have the following unique characteristics:

Withstand high voltage and large current: New energy vehicles use high-voltage systems, and high-voltage harnesses need to withstand high voltage and current, so they must withstand harsh working environment to ensure safety and reliability.

High requirements for protection and insulation: the high-voltage harness must withstand mechanical damage and chemical corrosion from outside, and must have good insulation performance to prevent electric leakage and ensure the safety of passengers.

Lightweight design: new energy vehicles pursue high energy efficiency and range. The high-voltage harness should be designed as lightweight as possible to reduce unnecessary energy consumption and improve the overall performance of the vehicle.

High temperature resistance: when working in the complex temperature environment of electric vehicles, high-voltage harnesses need to have good high temperature resistance to ensure long-term stable operation and extend the service life of harnesses.


The high-voltage harness plays a key role in the connection of new energy vehicles. It is responsible for connecting key high-voltage electrical equipment such as battery packs, motors, charging devices, etc. to form a high-voltage power system. The high-voltage harness contains multiple cables and wires, which are used to transmit high voltage and large current to meet the power demand and charging function of the vehicle.

Through the above reading, we should have a new understanding of the characteristics and functions of high-voltage wire harness of new energy vehicles. For more information about high-voltage harnesses, Deso will continue to organize and share it with the information channel. You can search for information at any time. Deso Precision Industry is a manufacturer focusing on the processing and production of new energy connectors and wire harnesses. It has 18 years of experience in the production of new energy series products. It has a wide range of products, reliable quality, one year after-sales quality assurance, and perfect after-sales system, so it can place orders with confidence. If purchase is required New energy connector As well as harness related products, you can call our hotline at any time: 400-6263-698, and professional engineers will answer your questions.

In the assembly process of connectors and harnesses, there will be strict assembly standards and requirements. Only through various precise detailed requirements can the quality inspection of connectors be more qualified, and the stability and reliability of products in use be ensured. Therefore, engineers should first understand the process standards in the assembly process before selecting and purchasing connectors, so as to verify the use quality of wiring harness after assembly and select better connector products. What are the process flow and requirements when assembling the harness? next Deso Precision The preventive division will popularize the detailed process flow and requirements for everyone.

Harness assembly is an important link in electronic manufacturing, involving the assembly and wiring of wires, cables, connectors and other components. The following is the process flow of harness assembly.

1. Design review stage: specify harness design, layout, connector selection, etc.

2. Material preparation: purchase wires, cables, connectors, etc. that meet the quality standards.

3. Stripping and identification: according to the design requirements, the wires shall be stripped, and identification shall be added for identification.

4. Arrangement and assembly: according to the harness layout, arrange and assemble wires and cables in the specified order.

5. Copper bar welding: the wires to be welded shall be welded to ensure firm connection.

6. Insulation treatment: Insulate the exposed part of the wire to ensure safety.

7. Wrapping and fixing: use insulating tape, sheath and other materials to wrap and fix to enhance the mechanical strength of the harness.

8. Quality inspection and test: conduct quality inspection and electrical test of the harness to ensure there is no short circuit, open circuit and other problems.

9. Packaging and identification: properly package the completed harness, and attach identification, instructions, etc.

The quality of harness assembly is directly related to the stability and reliability of electronic products. The following are some requirements for harness assembly:

Accuracy: The harness assembly needs to be carried out accurately according to the design requirements to ensure correct connection and proper length.

Stability: the connection inside the harness shall be stable to prevent looseness from causing failure.

Insulation: the insulation treatment on the harness should be improved to prevent short circuit, leakage and other safety problems.

Maintainability: subsequent maintenance shall be considered for harness assembly to facilitate troubleshooting and component replacement.

Durability: the harness shall be able to operate stably for a long time under various environments and conditions.

Through the above understanding, we should have a basic understanding of the "process flow and requirements when assembling the harness". For more technical data related to connectors and harnesses, Deso's operation team will continue to collate and update them, and users who need them can go to the official website https://www.china-guan.com/ Search learning. Deso Precision Industry is a professional connector and harness R&D, production and processing manufacturer in China. With 18 years of experience in harness and connector production, it has a wide range of products, good performance and reliable quality, and is trusted by users. if there be Connector As well as wire harness related procurement needs, you can contact us at any time by calling 400-6263-698. Professional engineers will serve you.

Electronic harness is a very large category of components. When customers purchase electronic harness, they will also purchase various component connectors, but wire harness There are so many kinds of materials, what do you know about the material design knowledge involved? In order to let everyone better understand the electronic harness related products, the industrial defense division of Chinese connector manufacturers will come to popularize this knowledge.

1. Chinese connector manufacturers talk about the selection criteria of fuses

Deso hardware and electronics defense division pointed out that engine ECU, ABS, etc. have a great impact on the performance and safety of the whole vehicle. In addition, it is necessary to set a fuse for electrical materials that are vulnerable to interference from other electrical equipment Electrical equipment such as engine sensors, various warning lights, external lights, horns, etc. also have a great impact on the performance and safety of the whole vehicle, but these electrical loads are not sensitive to each other's disturbance. Therefore, these electrical loads can be combined with each other according to the situation, and a fuse can be used together

2. Chinese connector manufacturers talk about circuit breakers

The biggest feature of the circuit breaker is its recoverability, but its cost is high and its application is less. The circuit breaker is usually a thermal mechanical device, which uses the different thermal deformation of two metals to make the contact open and close or self connect. The new circuit breaker uses PTC solid data as the overcurrent maintenance element, which is a resistance with positive temperature coefficient, It can be disconnected or connected according to the current or temperature. The biggest advantage of this kind of maintenance element is that it can be automatically connected after the fault is cleared, without manual conditioning and replacement

After reading the above, you should know much less about "Common Sense of Electronic Harness Material Design", and more about "Electronic Harness Material Design". Deso will continue to organize and publish it on the special page of electronic harness to share with you. Deso Hardware Electronics, with a high reputation in China, is one of the manufacturers trusted by domestic customers. If you are looking for Chinese Connector If the manufacturer works with the manufacturer, please call our hotline: 400-6263-698.

"China Connector manufacturer The pictures used in the article "Common Sense of Science Popularization Electronic Harness Material Design" are all taken by the photography team of Deso connector manufacturers in high definition, and are only for our users' reference. Please do not reproduce them for commercial purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.

Source: https://www.china-guan.com/46222.html

Automobile wire harness is used frequently in our industrial field. Such a product with a wide range of application scenarios usually has a high demand in the market. Therefore, manufacturers should do a good job in quality control and quality inspection when producing products. What is the inspection method of automobile wire harness at the end? below Deso Hardware Electronics The industrial defense division will popularize the method of checking the car harness for you.

1、 Tool inspection method

The lamp test method is more suitable for checking the open circuit fault of the wire. When using the temporary lamp test method, the power of the test lamp shall not be too large. When testing whether the control output terminal of the electronic controller has an output and whether there is enough output, special care shall be taken to prevent overloading and damage of the controller. It is better to use diode test lamp.

2、 Visual inspection method

When a part of the automotive electrical system fails, there will be smoke, sparks, abnormal noise, scorch, high temperature and other abnormal phenomena. Through hearing, touching, smelling and seeing the human sensory organs, the car harness and electrical appliances are visually inspected, and then the fault location is judged, thus greatly improving the repair speed. For example, when the automobile line breaks down, abnormal phenomena such as smoke, spark, abnormal noise, scorch, high temperature, etc. often occur. Through visual inspection, the fault location and nature can be quickly judged.

3、 Wire jumper inspection method

Jump connection method is to use a wire to short circuit the suspected faulty line, observe the change of instrument pointer or the working condition of electrical equipment, so as to determine whether there is open circuit or poor contact in the circuit. Jumping refers to the operation of connecting two points of a circuit with one wire. The potential difference between the two points of the crossed circuit is zero, not a short circuit.

 High voltage interlock plug 125A curved 2-core metal shell wiring 15CM connecting wire

4、 Instrument inspection method

The method of using comprehensive fault diagnosis instrument, multimeter, wave trap, current clamp and other instruments to diagnose automobile circuit faults. For vehicles with electronic control system, the comprehensive fault diagnosis instrument is generally used to find fault codes to diagnose the fault range of the vehicle; Then use a multimeter, current clamp or wave trap to check the voltage, resistance, current or waveform of the relevant circuit, and diagnose the fault point of the harness wire.

 High voltage interlock plug 125A curved 2-core metal shell wiring 15CM connecting wire

After reading the above, you can“ Automotive wiring harness What is the inspection method of "should be very clear, more professional knowledge related to automotive wiring harness, Deso Hardware and Electronics Industrial Defense Division will continue to edit, sort and publish for you on the information channel to share with you. Deso Hardware Electronics, a professional manufacturer of automobile wire harnesses in China, has 17 years of experience in the production of automobile wire harnesses. Each of them has gone through a strict quality inspection process to ensure that the products delivered to customers are 100% qualified. If you need to purchase automobile wire harness related products, you can directly call our toll free hotline: 400-6263-698, and professional engineers can answer your questions for free.

Source: https://www.china-guan.com/43627.html

For those who often purchase components, there must have been procurement projects of electronic harness and cable products. Do you know wire harness What are the types of outer packaging materials for electronic harnesses and cables? If you don't know anything about the outer packaging materials for electronic harnesses and cables, you can read this article.

Deso Hardware's electronic defense division pointed out that cables and electronic harnesses are often used in different environmental scenarios. Their outer packaging materials provide additional insulation layers to prevent wear, chemicals, electromagnetic interference, fluid, heat, moisture and other adverse factors. According to color, material, size and other factors, they can provide multiple configurations of harness protection. Next, Deso Hardware and Electronic Industrial Defense Division will come to popularize the types of outer packaging materials for electronic harnesses and cables in detail.

1. Heat shrinkable tube

The defense engineer of Deso pointed out that the heat shrink tube tightly wraps the wire, which makes the rough surface smooth and provides heat insulation and electrical insulation. The adhesive backing tube can provide a strong seal to prevent moisture and chemicals from corroding the harness assembly. The use of a hot air gun is required, which will increase production time and may be difficult to apply to the entire safety belt.

2. Casing

The expandable or packable sleeve is easy to install and highly flexible, which can realize fast and easy wire binding. Woven polyethylene sleeve is very popular because of its durability and light weight. It can maintain complete flexibility in any direction even at low temperature, so that cable assemblies and wire bundles can be bent repeatedly without damage.

3. Spiral wound pipe

Spiral wound tubes allow cables and electronic harnesses to enter and leave the outer packaging material at multiple points, and also provide a variety of color choices for easy identification, for example, orange is usually used for high-voltage applications.

4. Split loom tube

The split loom tube is generally cut down from the side to facilitate the insertion of cables and electronic harnesses. After installation, the cut is closed without heat shrinking or dispensing the end, thus reducing production time. The plastic tube is usually made of polyamide, polyethylene or polypropylene, but it may be troublesome not to compress the wiring.

5. Tape

The pressure-sensitive tape coated on one side of the tape can provide various backing materials and pressure-sensitive adhesive. PVC is the most commonly used tape material, but other materials can also be used, including cloth, felt, foam and aluminum foil. In addition, the tape also minimizes the flexibility of the harness.

After reading the above, you should be very clear about the "types of outer packaging materials for electronic harnesses and cables". More knowledge about electronic harnesses and outer packaging materials for cables will continue to be edited, sorted and published by the editor. Deso Hardware Electronics, a professional manufacturer of electronic wire harness and cable in China, has always been far ahead in the ranking of electronic wire harness manufacturers in Dongguan, with excellent product quality, a high market share, and is trusted by users. If you need to purchase electronic wire harness, cable Connector For related products, you can directly call our free hotline: 400-6263-698, and professional industrial defense engineers can answer your questions for free.

At present, tens of thousands of high-quality electronic harness and cable products have been uploaded on the official website of Deso, each of which has passed the ISO certification, meets the domestic and international environmental protection requirements, selects raw materials, has stable performance, and is affordable. Welcome to place an order. The drawings used in the article "Briefly describe the types of outer packaging materials for electronic harnesses and cables" are all from Deso Connector manufacturer The high-definition photography team of is only available for users of this website. Please do not reproduce it for commercial purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.

Source: https://www.china-guan.com/43537.html

Step 1: Demand: communicate with customers online or over the phone about your demand for customized products (including brand, line length, color, delivery date and other parameters).

Step 2: Quotation: After confirming the demand with the business personnel of Deso factory, can we offer you a quotation and sign a contract.

Step 3: Payment: the customer pays the full amount.

Step 4: Customization: the industrial defense engineer will customize according to your needs - test, and deliver after passing the inspection.

Step 5: Acceptance: the customer accepts the customized products after receiving them.

Custom description:

Customized products are a special service launched by Deso Hardware Electronics to meet the personalized needs of users, providing users with a variety of Connecting line , connectors and other customized products. For the products customized by users, Deso Hardware Electronics will strictly control the production process or product quality to provide users with products with guaranteed quality, safe use, and customized confidence!

Customization hotline: 400-6263-698/18518765758

Custom email: kaikai@dosin.cn

Customized products are special needs or non-standard parts. In principle, Deso Hardware Electronics is not allowed to return or exchange goods. You are welcome to experience the exclusive customized service of Deso Hardware Electronics!

That's all for the "customization process of connecting wires, harnesses and wires". Welcome new and old customers to customize and purchase the harnesses, connecting wires Connector With reliable quality, excellent quality, excellent reputation, complete certificates and perfect after-sales service, it is a professional connector customization manufacturer that you can trust to cooperate with.

For the wire harness connector procurement staff, they must be concerned about harness connector Manufacturer, harness connector manufacturer, harness connector factory and other relevant information. What is the ranking of domestic harness connector manufacturers, manufacturers and factories A ranking of harness connector manufacturers, manufacturers and factories Now Deso will do a science popularization for you.

In fact, the customer friends want to know the ranking of harness connector manufacturers, manufacturers and factories, but they want to find reliable harness connector suppliers, that is, as long as they are regular and reliable harness connector manufacturers or manufacturers, they can be assured of cooperation. If you are choosing a harness connector manufacturer, consider Deso Hardware Electronics, a professional manufacturer of harness connectors. With 17 years of experience in harness connector production, the products have passed ISO certification and meet international environmental requirements. Welcome to call 400-6263-698 to inquire about harness connector related products.

Deso Hardware has a wide range of electronic harness connectors, including RF series, M series, new energy series GX series, industrial defense series, industrial waterproof series, medical series, etc., have more than 2000 categories, and provide customized harness services for customers who need to purchase harness connectors to meet your needs in an all-round way. So, what are you hesitating about? Hurry to contact the business personnel on Deso official website to discuss cooperation.

After knowing the ranking of wire harness connector manufacturers, manufacturers and factories, let's make a brief introduction to the four advantages of wire harness connectors. The details are as follows:

 RF RF cable connector bnc bent male to bnc bent male to RG174 wire

1. Improve the production process and simplify the assembly process of electronic products. It also simplifies the batch production process;

2. Easy to repair If an electronic component fails, it can be quickly replaced when a harness connector is installed;

 M12 cable plug straight female A-type to D-Sub male 25pin with screw wire on both sides, 1m long

3. Easy to upgrade With the technological progress, the components can be updated when the harness connector is installed, and the old components can be replaced by new and more complete components;

4. Improve the flexibility of design. The use of wire harness connectors enables the industrial defense engineers to have greater flexibility when designing and integrating new products, and when composing systems with components.

After reading the above, your four advantages for harness connector and harness Connector manufacturer The ranking of manufacturers and factories should be very clear. More professional knowledge about harness connectors will be edited, sorted and published in the information center to share with you. Ranking of harness connector manufacturers, manufacturers and factories ”The pictures used in this article are all taken by the photography team of Deso Connector manufacturer in HD, and are only for our users to view. Please do not reproduce them for commercial purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.

The cable industry is not an emerging industry, but it is developing steadily. Because the connector industry has a stable market and relatively small risks, more and more enterprises join in the connector production, which increases the Manufacturer of connecting wire Competition between. Despite the fierce competition in the cable industry, cable manufacturers must rely on the correct development path if they want to develop. What is the development path of the connector manufacturers? Next, Deso hardware electronic industrial defense division will come to popularize the development path of the connector manufacturer.

First of all, the manufacturer of the connecting wire should know clearly that even in a stable market, there will still be fluctuations. For example, a few years ago, the production of connection lines declined. At that time, a large number of factories were involved in the production of connecting lines. The number was huge, and the technology was not innovative, so the demand fell. However, many cable manufacturers quickly adjusted their direction, joined in technological innovation, and smoothly passed the crisis.

In addition, the cable manufacturers should be innovative and not always follow others' backside. They should develop their own special products to improve their competitiveness. As far as the connection line technology is concerned, it is not complicated. Most of the connection line manufacturers, through analyzing their business technology, will find that there is no obvious difference. Therefore, everyone needs to compete in other aspects to find another "spring" for their connection line business. Taking electronic products focusing on sales plan as an example, it is obviously the key to strengthen their own hardware. What is hardware? Hardware is a component that improves the value of connectors. The function of connectors will not change, but only enhance, that is, only change a material or add a small part to transform and enhance the function of hardware.

Finally, as a connector manufacturer, we should be clear about our development goals. Although the connector seems to be a very simple component, it is indispensable in many fields. Therefore, no matter how serious the current situation is, the manufacturer of the connecting cable should be confident. In addition, the cable market is also very important, that is to say, some large enterprises have their own exclusive markets. It is undoubtedly very difficult to compete with them as a new connector manufacturer. Therefore, the focus is to pay more attention to the continuous expansion of the market, find new markets, and try to avoid competition with large cable manufacturers.

After reading the above, you should be very clear about the development path of the connector manufacturer. For more technical information related to the development path of the connector manufacturer, Deso will continue to edit, sort and publish it on the information channel to share with you. Deso Hardware Electronics, with 17 years of experience in the production of connecting lines, can quickly solve various problems in the production and design of connecting lines. If you have connecting lines Connector For customized purchase needs, you can directly call our toll free hotline: 400-6263-698, and professional industrial defense engineers can answer your questions for free.