Xi Jinping made important instructions on flood control and drought relief

All departments around the country resolutely implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on flood control and drought relief The National Development and Reform Commission arranged 130 million yuan of central budget investment to support emergency recovery after Fujian and Guangdong disasters The Ministry of Finance issued 443 million yuan to support drought relief in 7 provinces

The 19th China Economic Forum | Special Entrance

Wuhan accelerates to seize the commercial space highland

Zhengding, Hebei: Culture "Lives" and Tourism "Fires"

Catch the busy transplanting in farming season

Gutian, Fujian: Little Tremella Blossoms "Wealth Flower"

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 The 19th China Economic Forum was held in Jilin City
The 19th China Economic Forum was held in Jilin City
 The 4th China International Consumer Goods Expo Shows Consumption Vitality
The 4th China International Consumer Goods Expo Shows Consumption Vitality

 The reporter recalled the details of the interview with Zong Qinghou
The reporter recalled the details of the interview with Zong Qinghou

 Anchors living on giant pandas
Anchors living on giant pandas

 Niu Wenxin: Upside down of interest rate is not necessarily a bad thing
Niu Wenxin: Upside down of interest rate is not necessarily a bad thing

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  •  New quality productivity, new driving force for development
  •  New opportunities and new bearing of the county seat
  •  Joy and hope in foreign trade
  •  Come on, provincial sub center
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Butterfly transformation in the seventh year of Xiong'an
Nanjing, Jiangsu: picturesque ecology along the Yangtze River
Tourism consumption during the May Day holiday is booming
China's big market observation
Urumqi: characteristic streets are popular
Bringing forth the old to bring forth the new and creating a new face - Jiangsu makes efforts in many places to plant new quality productivity
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