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Notice on Launching the Implementation and Promotion of the Virtual Reality Science and Technology Museum Project Nationwide

Source: China Digital Science and Technology Museum

National science popularization institutions:

In order to thoroughly implement the action plan for scientific literacy of the whole people, strengthen the informatization construction of science popularization, and promote the improvement of scientific literacy and innovation ability of the whole people, the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology carried out the construction of the virtual reality science and technology museum project in 2016. The project was launched by the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology in early 2016. The China Simulation Society and the Network Science Popularization Department of the China Science and Technology Museum are responsible for the construction, implementation and implementation of the project content.

As of December 2016, China Simulation Society has completed the content construction of 59 VR science and technology museum exhibits in the project. It covers seven disciplines, including aerospace, robotics/new energy/new materials, human body and medicine, earth and ocean, equipment and manufacturing, and emergency risk avoidance.

According to the work arrangement of the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology in 2017, the Network Science Popularization Department of the China Science and Technology Museum is responsible for the landing and promotion of the exhibits of 59 virtual reality science and technology museums. As of June 2017, the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology has completed the acceptance test of 57 virtual reality science and technology museums, and has carried out different versions of content standardization work for different forms of science popularization of physical science and technology museums, mobile science and technology museums, and science popularization caravans in the modern science and technology museum system, including the standard version content (HTC version and OCULUS version, adapted to PC hardware) Mobile content (mobile phone hardware) and dynamic seat content (dynamic seat hardware).

   Application and consultation methods: Just apply by phone. Contact: Wu Jiazi, China Science and Technology Museum 18910551943

The hardware configuration requirements are as follows (the project provides free content, and the hardware is allocated by the application venue):

(1) Hardware configuration requirements for standard version and dynamic seat version:

Getting Started Configuration 1

  CPU: Intel i5-7500

Video card: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB video memory)

Memory: 8GB

Hard disk: 1TB HDD

Getting Started Configuration 2

  CPU: AMD Ryzen 1500x

Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB video memory)

Memory: 8GB

Hard disk: 1TB HDD

Ideal configuration 1

  CPU: Intel i7-7700K

Video card: NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 (8GB video memory)

Memory: 16GB

Hard disk: 1TB HDD

Ideal configuration 2

  CPU: AMD Ryzen 1600x

Video card Radeon RX Vega (8GB video memory)

Memory: 16GB

Hard disk: 256GB SSD+2TB HDD

(2) Recommended configuration of mobile VR device

HTC Vive Focus VR all-in-one machine

Look at Pico Neo VR all-in-one machine

Project introduction:

1. Zheng He's voyages to the West (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

Through VR, reproduce the scene and route of Zheng He's voyages

2. Dragon Palace Treasure Hunting (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Experients are immersed in the "Science" deep-sea exploration equipment and dive into the deep sea. By operating deep-sea exploration equipment such as deep-sea robots, browse the seabed topography, biological community distribution, etc., operate the robot arm to carry out exploration sampling and interesting experiments.

3. Micro journey of plants (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Participants take the water drop cabin to carry out an immersive roaming experience in the plant interior, witnessing the element cycle, leaf photosynthesis, nutrient transportation, etc. in the micro world. This exhibition item shows the internal world of plants, transpiration, cytoplasm, cell fluid and other knowledge concepts, and analyzes the significance of photosynthesis principle and carbon oxygen cycle.

4. Industrial robots in intelligent factories (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

Use VR to lead the experiencer to visit the automobile intelligent factory, visually display the working scene of spot welding robot, inspection robot and AGV transport robot, and introduce their composition, structure and working principle.

5. Small Water Drops Roaming Record (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

This exhibition item introduces the lubrication, digestion, dissolution, transportation and regulation of water one by one through simulating water droplets roaming in the human body. Let the experiencer understand the importance of water to human beings and the significance of water as the source of life.

6. Drilling platform (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

Through the interaction of the process simulation demonstration system of offshore oil and gas drilling platforms, this exhibition project enables the participants to realize the scientific and technological content of drilling platforms.

7. Genetics (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR, the experiencer can enter the nucleus of human somatic cells to start a journey of gene exploration, so that the experiencer can experience the structure and composition of DNA molecular chain in person, and use VR interactive handle to let the experiencer participate in the assembly process of 23 pairs of chromosomes, which is fun to teach.

8. Human Evolution History Out of Africa (PC Platform HTC Helmet Standard Edition)

Through VR film, let the experiencer return to the key life scenes such as the East African prairie, Peking Man Zhoukoudian Site, and the life of mountaintop cave people, experience the story of human evolution in person, and use VR interactive handle to let the experiencer participate in the ancient ape man drilling wood to make fire, and teach for fun.

9. Four dimensional space (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Experients use their own "pen" to experience the process of dimension upgrading from one-dimensional space to four-dimensional space, experience the concept of dimension and the expression form of four-dimensional space in the three-dimensional world, so that participants can deepen their understanding of dimensions and expand their imagination of four-dimensional space.

10. Dinosaur extinction (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

VR film tells about three typical hypotheses of dinosaur extinction, namely asteroid impact, infant prey by mammals, and food poisoning. Let the experiencer be in the environment where they can experience various situations that dinosaurs may encounter at the end of Cretaceous.

11. Where do I come from (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

VR films use the first person narrative method, through the simulation of the uterus, so that the experiencer can experience the development process of the fetus realistically with the subjective vision of sperm and fetus, so that the experiencer can relive the experience in the mother's body and understand where he came from.

12. The world under the microscope (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

Through VR, the experimenter can experience the feeling of roaming in the virus.

13. Aerospace technology - black hole (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Through VR, the experimenter can experience the feeling of roaming in the black hole of the universe.

14. Fantasy vessel exploration (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Experients take the nano VR water drop cabin on a fantastic journey to explore blood vessels, learn about human science knowledge and treat patients during roaming.

15. Aircraft carrier deployment (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

This exhibition allows the experimenter to feel the working environment of naval soldiers on the aircraft carrier, and enjoy the scientific and technological happiness brought by virtual reality technology in the virtual transportation system.

16. Aircraft carrier roaming (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version)

This exhibition item vividly restores the labyrinth like internal channel. Let the experiencer roam the external environment of the aircraft carrier and approach the real internal channels and compartments.

17. VR Exploring Bee Kingdom (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

With VR technology, the experiencer can experience the whole process of honeybee flight and honey collection from the first perspective.

18. "Microbial roaming" experience space (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

Put the experiencer in the microbial world to perceive the changes of surrounding things.

19. Yutu lunar exploration (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

Through VR, let the experimenter land on the moon and experience lunar exploration.

20. The world in the eyes of animals (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR, in combination with interactive experience, the participants can experience the different visual physiological characteristics of various animals.

21. Long sky sword missile weapon (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Use VR to establish a missile weapon display platform, introduce the development history, classification, composition and working principle of missile weapons, show some famous missiles in history, and introduce the main missile products and general performance in the world today.

22. Mars roaming (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

With VR, visitors can feel the charm of Mars, and also experience the fun of driving a Mars rover and planting on Mars.

23. Cloud manufacturing service platform (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

Through cloud manufacturing technology, the experiencers can complete the innovative design and distributed manufacturing of highly personalized rescue vehicles in a short time, and finally use this vehicle to rescue dangerous polar bears. In the manufacturing process, the experiencer was able to understand the concept, application process and effect of cloud manufacturing.

24. Create French style (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR short films, this paper mainly introduces the methods used in wooden buildings such as palaces, temples, official offices and mansions in the Northern Song Dynasty, and visually demonstrates the important technology in the development of ancient Chinese architecture.

25. Walk into modern optical display technology (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR, let the experiencer know about modern optical display technology.

26. Virtual 3D fireworks interactive simulation platform (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Wearing the VIVE device, the experimenter can immerse himself in the panoramic view of the West Lake, and can use the wireless controller in his hand as a magic wand to draw shapes in the air. The water fireworks effect in the virtual world will be displayed in the distance of the lake. This project will vividly show users the popular science knowledge of particle system special effects, clustering and random sampling technology, air resistance and gravity.

27. High speed railway dispatching demonstration system (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Simulate the work flow of various equipment of high-speed railway system, including track section changes, station equipment, annunciator status, interlocking and blocking, so that the experiencer can experience the management of receiving and departure plans.

28. Magic graphene (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

This exhibition item uses VR, from macro to micro, to thoroughly demonstrate the magical function of graphene and the structure and principle behind it.

29. Beijing Opera Facebook 3D Display and Virtual Trial Makeup Exhibition Project Design (PC Platform HTC Helmet Standard Edition)

Through VR, let the experimenter watch the 3D Facebook display and experience the virtual trial installation.

30. School fire emergency (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform Oculus)

This project is aimed at primary and middle school students. Taking the multi-storey teaching building in the school as the evacuation environment, it will build an immersive simulation system for fire emergency evacuation virtual training and interactive experience, build a "knowledge module", "observation mode", "follow mode" and "experience mode", and gradually introduce and train the correct response knowledge and emergency measures when a fire occurs, Assist in reducing the level of fire injury.

31. New energy - nuclear fusion (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR, let the experiencers know about nuclear fusion.

32. High speed rail VR trip (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Use VR to introduce high-speed railway related knowledge and let the experiencer experience high-speed railway driving.

33. Virtual simulation project of small chemical experiment (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Simulate small chemical experiments through VR.

34. Immune defense war (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

The purpose of this project is to reflect the basic defense mode and immune function of human immunity. Experients can experience three game levels, covering blood composition, immune system, hemostasis process and other related knowledge.

35. Guess Chinese characters! Guess! Guess! (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform)

Display the evolution process of Chinese characters in the form of VR interactive learning. System interaction is divided into learning mode and game mode.

36. Magic acupuncture (PC platform HTC helmet standard version)

Through VR, it can truly restore the environment of the ancient Chinese medicine museum, and display the position of human acupoints on the acupuncture bronze man model. Experients practice acupuncture operation on the virtual Bronze Man model and learn about human acupoints through interaction.

37. Three dimensional solar system (PC platform Oculus helmet standard version)

The contents include the three-dimensional scene of the universe dominated by the solar system, the database of various celestial bodies in the solar system, the introduction of universal science and the 3D display of various related astronomical phenomena. Interact in the way of touch display or VR stereoscopic glasses, allowing the experiencer to travel in space.

38. Tornado in severe convective weather (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; mobile platform; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Through VR, the experiencer can observe the real scene of the tornado from the perspective of the top cyclone to the middle cyclone, and feel the powerful destructive power of the tornado.

39. Snow and Ice (PC platform HTC helmet standard version; dynamic simulation platform HTC)

Experience the speed and passion of "alpine skiing" through VR.

40. Photosynthetic Journey of Plants and Agriculture (Mobile Platform)

Through VR, the experiencer, under the leadership of the Doctor of Science, explores the micro world of plants and immerses in photosynthesis.

41. Build my moon base

Through viewing and roaming, the airlock cabin, equipment cabin and experiment cabin designed by the children are presented one by one, showing an all-round moon base with a sense of future and science.

42. Yutu No. 10

Experients use the handle to interact and have a deep understanding of the mechanical structure, operation mode, energy supply and other contents of the future lunar rover "Yutu 10".

This article is from: China Digital Science and Technology Museum
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[Editor in charge: ABCD]
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