Express Lane

Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd

Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd. was founded in * * * *, located in * * *, and its business scope is****

The company has 1 production line of comprehensive cement plant. Cement Network will provide you with the enterprise introduction, production line information, product prices and other details of Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd. - enterprise information and contact information

registered capital CNY 233.4 million contact number Office telephone: 0766-876 see
Registration status **** Enterprise fax see
Legal representative **** Contact E-mail see
Enterprise type **** date of establishment ****
Business Term **** company website
Company address ****
Business scope ****

List of production lines

Comprehensive cement plant
Name of production line Project address capacity Project Status Production time Production license Designer Kiln specification Whether waste heat power generation Waste heat power generation design unit
Yunfu Guangxin Qingzhou Near Yunliu Road, Yuncheng District, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province see Ton/day see see see see see see see

Latest cement price list

brand varieties Bulk price Bagged price Bulk reference price Bagged reference price Sales area date
Golden Eagle P.O 42.5 3** 4** 3** - Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 2024-06-26
Golden Eagle P.O 42.5R 3** 4** 3** - Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 2024-06-26
Golden Eagle P.II 52.5R 4** 4** 4** - Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 2024-06-26

Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd. - Cement production line map

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Company Profile

Guangdong Guangxin Qingzhou Cement Co., Ltd. is a joint venture formed by Qingzhou Yingni (Group), one of the members of the Hong Kong "Yangtze River Infrastructure Group", which acquired the original "Guangdong Yunfu Cement Plant" in 1998. The cement produced by the company includes P II52.5R Portland cement, P.II42.5R Portland cement, P.O42.5R ordinary Portland cement, P.C32.5R composite Portland cement, etc. The company's famous brand "Golden Eagle" cement products sell well all over Guangdong Province and are widely used in large-scale projects such as highways, bridges and airports, such as Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, Shajiao Power Plant, Zhaoqing Golden Bridge, Guangzhou New Airport Expressway, Guangzhou CITIC Plaza, Yangchun Reservoir Dam, Shantou Fenzhou Expressway, etc., and are welcomed by users of many large pipe pile plants. Among them, the Dongshen Water Supply Reconstruction Project constructed with the company's "Golden Eagle" brand cement won the "Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Grand Prize" and the "Luban Award for China's Construction Engineering". Since 2000, "Golden Eagle" brand cement has been successively honored as "Green Building Materials Product", "Guangdong Famous Brand Product", "Guangdong Advanced Quality and Benefit Enterprise", "Guangdong Top 20 Cement Enterprise" and other honors. High quality products and good service make "Golden Eagle" cement one of the leading brands in the cement market.

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