UFIDA leads the transformation of digital intelligence, enabling Chinese enterprises to enter the global popular list

UFIDA promotes the digital and intellectual transformation of Chinese enterprises and enables enterprises to achieve high-tech, efficient and high-quality development through its business innovation platform, UFIDA BIP. The concept of digital intelligence and the transformation model of "digital intelligence 1-2-3" advocated by UFIDA help enterprises achieve business innovation, management change and work mode transformation. UFIDA BIP provides world leading technologies and applications, supports many industry leading enterprises to upgrade their digital intelligence, and promotes Chinese enterprises to become one of the most popular in the world

2024-07-01 conch group
The price of cement in many places in Guangdong was again raised

From the 26th, leading enterprises in Guangdong have again notified many places such as the Pearl River Delta, Zhanjiang, Maoming, etc. to raise the cement price by about 20-30 yuan/ton

The price of cement in Dali and Lijiang of Yunnan Province continues to be raised

From the 25th, the leading enterprises in Dali and Lijiang will continue to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton

The price of cement in Fujian has fallen after rising

At the beginning of this month, after the major manufacturers in Fujian notified to raise the cement price by 20 yuan/ton, the cement price of most enterprises has dropped by about 10 yuan/ton in recent days

Cement prices in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province continue to be raised

After the leading enterprises in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province raised the cement price by 30 yuan/ton in the last ten days of May, they will continue to notice to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton from June 21

Staff Badminton Match of China Energy Construction Gezhouba Cement Co., Ltd.: Team Passion, Healthy Flying, Who "Feather" Strives

The staff badminton match of China Energy Construction Gezhouba Cement Co., Ltd. was held vigorously, demonstrating team spirit and sports enthusiasm. The competition strengthens the physical quality of employees, improves team cohesion, enriches the spare time life of employees, creates a positive corporate culture atmosphere, and inspires everyone to meet the challenges of production goals with stronger fighting spirit

The price of cement in Pu'er, Yunnan has fallen

In recent days, the cement price in Pu'er has generally fallen back to the pre rising level

Latest trends of cement prices in Jiangsu

In the middle of the year, some major manufacturers in Yangzhou, Taizhou, Zhenjiang and other regions lowered the cement price by 15-25 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Guangyuan, Sichuan

Since the 15th, some leading enterprises in Guangyuan have notified to raise the cement price by 50-60 yuan/ton

Notice of cement price increase in some areas of Hainan

From the 17th, major manufacturers in Hainan have notified Chengmai, Changjiang, Danzhou and other places to raise the price of all kinds of bulk cement by 30 yuan/ton

Guangdong Pearl River Delta Cement Price Notice Escalation

From the 15th, some major manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong began to try to increase the cement price by 30 yuan/ton

The second round of notice of cement price increase in Guangxi within a month

Since the 14th, some major manufacturers in Guangxi have again notified to raise the price of cement by about 20-40 yuan/ton, with the mainstream increase of 30-40 yuan/ton

Hebei Xinghan District notified the cement price to rise

From the 13th, leading enterprises in Xinghan actively promoted the cement price to rise by 30-50 yuan/ton

Latest trends of cement prices in Dehong and Baoshan regions of Yunnan

In the first ten days, leading enterprises in Dehong and Baoshan regions announced to raise the cement price by about 50 yuan/ton

Cement prices in Jiayuguan and Jiuquan regions of Gansu Province are planned to rise

Some major enterprises in the region plan to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton on the 14th

Notice on price increase of cement in many places in Hunan

Since the 13th, enterprises in Changzhutan, Yiyang, Hengyang, Yongzhou and other places in Hunan have successively notified to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton

The notice of cement prices in Zigong, Luzhou and Yibin regions in Sichuan Province was significantly raised

Recently, leading enterprises in Zigong, Luzhou and Yibin regions in Sichuan Province announced to raise the cement price by 80 yuan/ton

Cement price in Lanzhou, Gansu is planned to rise

Some major enterprises in Lanzhou plan to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton on the 13th

2024 New Fortune 500 Fortune List: Zhong 睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒睒30546

The 2024 New Fortune 500 Wealth Creation List shows that the wealth of Chinese private entrepreneurs is mainly concentrated in emerging industries, such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic, lithium batteries and other green and intelligent fields. Zhong Yixuan of Nongfu Spring continued to top the list, with a stock market value of 456.3 billion yuan; Zong Fuli became the female entrepreneur with the highest stock holding market value with 80.8 billion yuan. The electric vehicle industry performed well, with five Xiaomi people on the list. Li Xiang's wealth surpassed Wang Xing and Liu Qiangdong. The list reflects the transformation of China's economy from real estate led to new quality productivity, such as green energy and high-tech industries, which have become a new driving force for wealth creation

The price of cement in Guangdong is up and down

From September 9, some major manufacturers in Zhanjiang, Maoming, Yangjiang and other places in Guangdong tried to raise the price of bulk cement by 10-20 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Enshi, Hubei

Recently, enterprises in Enshi have successively notified to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton

The price of cement in eastern Hubei has fallen

Recently, the cement price in eastern Hubei has gradually dropped to the level before rising

Cement prices in Zhaotong, Yunnan continue to rise

10 days ago or later, the regional leading enterprises again notified to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton

The notice of cement price in Nanchong and Suining of Sichuan Province has been raised significantly

From the 8th, some leading enterprises have notified Nanchong and Suining to raise the cement price by 120 yuan/ton

Hunan Zhangjiajie Cement Price Notice Increases

Since the 6th, enterprises in Zhangjiajie have notified to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton, and in some areas by 20 yuan/ton

Latest trends of cement prices in Jiangsu

From January 1, the actual transaction prices of some major manufacturers in Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Nantong, Yancheng, Yangtai and other places fell by about 20 yuan/ton

Chongqing Cement Price Notice Raises Significantly

Leading enterprises in Chongqing intend to significantly raise the cement price of 100-130 yuan/ton on the 8th

Latest Trends of Hunan Cement Price

Cement prices in Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan and Hengyang have dropped

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Wuwei, Gansu

From the 6th, some leading enterprises in Wuwei region have notified to raise the cement price by 30-50 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Chuxiong, Yunnan

On February 4, the leading enterprises in Chuxiong region announced to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Deyang and Mianyang, Sichuan

From the 3rd, some leading enterprises in Deyang and Mianyang have notified to raise the cement price by 30-50 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Ili and Bozhou Regions of Xinjiang

Three days ago or later, major enterprises in Yili and Bozhou regions announced to raise the cement price by 20-30 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Inner Mongolia

Since June 1, major enterprises in Hohhot, Baotou, Ordos, Wuhai and other regions have announced an increase of 20-30 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Shanxi

From the 31st, major enterprises in northern Shanxi, Taiyuan and southern Shanxi have notified to raise the cement price by 10-30 yuan/ton

Cement price in Yuxi, Yunnan is planned to rise

Some leading enterprises in Yuxi region notified to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton on the 5th

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Guanzhong, Shaanxi

From the 31st, leading enterprises in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province have notified to raise the cement price by 30-50 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Panzhihua, Sichuan

From January 1, the leading enterprises in Panzhihua, Sichuan, notified to raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Aba, Sichuan

From the 3rd, some leading enterprises notified Aba to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton

Comprehensive Notice on Cement Price Increase in Fujian

Since June 2, major manufacturers in Fujian have successively notified to raise the price of all kinds of cement by about 20 yuan/ton, and the specific implementation needs to be tracked

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Guangxi

Since June 3, some major manufacturers in Guangxi have successively notified the whole province to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Wenshan and Honghe Regions of Yunnan Province

The leading enterprises in Wenshan Prefecture and Honghe Prefecture of Yunnan Province will raise the cement price by 50 yuan/ton from the 1st to the 2nd

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Sichuan Ganzi Prefecture

The leading enterprises in Ganzi Prefecture will raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton from the 1st to the 2nd

Notice of Cement Price Rise in Ganzhou, Jiangxi

Leading enterprises in Ganzhou will raise the cement price by 20 yuan/ton from the 3rd

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Ningxia

From January 1, leading enterprises in Yinchuan, Wuzhong, Zhongwei, Shizuishan and other places have notified to raise the cement price by 50-70 yuan/ton

Notice of Cement Price Increase in Tianshui, Gansu

From the 31st, leading enterprises in Tianshui, Gansu Province have notified to raise the cement price by 15 yuan/ton

Cement price in Hainan Prefecture of Qinghai Province is planned to increase

In order to improve profitability, leading enterprises in Hainan Prefecture of Qinghai Province plan to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton on June 1

Cement prices in Leshan, Meishan and Ya'an regions of Sichuan are planned to increase

Leading enterprises in Leshan, Ya'an and Meishan regions plan to raise the cement price by 30-50 yuan/ton on the 31st