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In June, cement enterprises in many provinces continued to stop production

It is understood that some provinces will successively start a new round of off peak kiln shutdown in June to ease the contradiction between supply and demand

May 30, 2024, Sichuan Province The 17th Council Meeting of the 4th Cement Association and the Main Cement Enterprises Meeting were held in Chengdu.

The peak shift production work in June 2024 was arranged at the meeting clinker The production line has been in off peak production for 13 days.

It is understood that, Some provinces will start a new round of off peak kiln shutdown in June to ease the contradiction between supply and demand.

A few days ago, Liaoning Cement Branch of Provincial Building Materials Industry Association Jilin Provincial Building Materials Industry Association Heilongjiang The provincial cement association issued the notice on off peak production in the cement industry, The cement clinker enterprises are required to stop the kiln for 15 days from June 1.

In Fujian, the peak shift lasts for 30 days from May 1 to June 30. According to market feedback, at present, some clinker production line enterprises generally start to implement 15 days of off peak shutdown in June.

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Contributors: news@ccement.com

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time region average price

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

four hundred and fifty-three point seven two

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

three hundred and fourteen point five one

Qinghai Province

four hundred and forty-one point four one

Gansu Province

three hundred and eighty-two point nine one

Shaanxi Province

three hundred and forty-seven point three five

Tibet Autonomous Region

six hundred and thirty-five

Yunnan Province

three hundred and forty-two point four nine

Guizhou Province

three hundred and eighty-seven point seven six

Sichuan Province

three hundred and seventy-four point three three


three hundred and thirty-seven point five six


four hundred and thirty-two point one nine

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

three hundred and ten point six seven

Guangdong Province

two hundred and ninety-eight point five zero

Hunan Province

three hundred and twenty-six point five six

Hubei province

three hundred and twenty-three point nine eight

Henan Province

three hundred and thirty-four point six zero

Shandong Province

three hundred and forty-seven point six nine

Jiangxi Province

three hundred and eight point three nine

Fujian Province

two hundred and ninety-five point zero five

Anhui Province

three hundred and thirty-three point three zero

Zhejiang Province

three hundred and sixty-three point one eight

Jiangsu Province

three hundred and forty-two point three four


three hundred and forty-seven point seven three

Heilongjiang Province

five hundred and eight point nine six

Jilin Province

four hundred and fifty-two point seven eight

Liaoning Province

four hundred and thirty-five point three eight

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

three hundred and seventy-eight point one eight

Shanxi Province

three hundred and thirty-four point nine five

Hebei Province

three hundred and sixty-four point nine seven


four hundred and eight point two one


three hundred and eighty-nine point four three
2024-06-05 15:44:19