Accelerate the creation of the original source of innovation, accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies, strive to seize the commanding heights of science and technology, and make new and greater contributions to building China into a world science and technology power.

——General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction requirements of "two accelerations and one effort" in the congratulatory letter to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Facing the frontiers of science and technology in the world, the main battlefield of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the life and health of the people, we will take the lead in realizing the leap forward development of science and technology, building a national highland of innovative talents, building a national high-level scientific and technological think tank, and building an international first-class scientific research institution.

——Policy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech when he met representatives of participants in the Chang'e-6 mission of the lunar exploration project
Make persistent efforts to speed up the construction of a powerful aerospace country

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech when he met representatives of participants in the Chang'e-6 mission of the lunar exploration project
Make persistent efforts to speed up the construction of a powerful aerospace country

Voice of Chinese Academy of Sciences

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