
Color training observation+| Analysis of Jilin's high-quality economic development in the first quarter

Homepage source: rehearsal news

2024-05-05 06:51:31

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On the road of economic development, Jilin once again handed over a dazzling "report card":

In the first quarter of this year, the GDP of Jilin Province increased by 6.5% year on year, 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the whole country, ranking first in the country. The same scene occurred last year: in the first quarter of 2023, Jilin's GDP grew 8.2% year on year, 3.7 percentage points higher than that of the whole country, achieving a "good start".

How can Jilin achieve rapid economic growth in the first quarter of two consecutive years?

Fang Fuqian, a professor of the School of Economics of Renmin University of China and a famous teacher of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Plan", analyzed that "the economic operation of Jilin Province in the first quarter has stepped into the track of normal growth from the recovery of growth, and the supply and demand sides have shown a coordinated and synchronous trend of improvement, with a good overall development momentum. Among them, Jilin's high-quality development strategy of "one main industry and six double industries", "four clusters", "six new industries" and "four new facilities" are closely related to the rapid economic recovery and high growth rate. " In other words, "the policies of Jilin Province are closely related to the economic structure and industrial structure. The development strategy, industrial policies and reform measures have a targeted role in promoting and promoting the economic structure and industrial structure of Jilin Province."

The leading comrades of Jilin Provincial Party Committee said that to promote Jilin's all-round revitalization and take the lead in making new breakthroughs, the most fundamental is to put into practice the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era, to seek vitality from reform, space from opening up, vitality from the environment, momentum from innovation, and create more new quality productive forces, Let Jilin be stable in the "rising period" and "fast track", and strive to turn the grand blueprint drawn by the General Secretary into a beautiful reality.

What kind of Jilin is behind the rapid economic growth?

To understand Jilin, we must understand the historical position of Jilin in the new era

This is a new Jilin standing at the new starting point of the northeast revitalization tide.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has set foot in the Northeast for 10 times, presided over three symposiums, and the Central Committee has issued a series of important documents to support the Northeast. Policies continue to overlap and the effect continues to expand. On September 7 last year, the General Secretary presided over the New Era Forum on Promoting the Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China and stressed that Northeast China will be able to revitalize its momentum and create new achievements. On October 27 of the same year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee deliberated and adopted the Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of the Northeast in the New Era and Achieve New Breakthroughs. The scope, strength and value of support were unprecedented. In his 2024 New Year's message, the General Secretary put "a new chapter of comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast" at the top of the national regional strategy. The central government raised the flag to orient, and the wind of revitalizing the Northeast was blowing strongly. This is the tide of the times and the development trend of Jilin.

This is a new Jilin that has entered the "rising period" and "fast track".

Last year, Jilin's economic growth in the first quarter, the first half of the year and the whole year was in the forefront of the country, reaching the best level in history. In the first quarter of this year, despite the high base of last year, we continued to go high. Among them, such landmark indicators as the extent of improvement of regional innovation capability, the index of scientific research material conditions, the index of science and technology promoting economic and social development, the proportion of contract value of local transformation of scientific and technological achievements of universities and research institutes, and the increase of the number of national technology-based SMEs are all in the first square in China.

This is a new Jilin where "poetry and distance" meet romantically.

This winter, the polar blue ice in Changchun Jingyuetan Park exploded, and crystal clear blue ice showed the unique romance in winter, attracting tourists to clock in and take photos. Photographed by our reporter Pan Shuo

Jilin is a summer resort and ski paradise, with two "golden signboards" of Changbai Mountain and Songhua River. The automobile culture, film culture, ice and snow culture and farming culture are unique. Jilin is the cradle of the film industry of the new China. In recent years, a number of film and television works, such as The World, The Glory of My Parents, shot in Jilin, have been popular all over the country. Last year, the animated film Tea Ah No. 2 Middle School brought a number of new card punching places, such as the No. 54 tram in Changchun City. Ticket room income has entered the top three in the country.

According to the big data monitoring of culture and tourism, Jilin Province received 3.21 million tourists on May 1, an average daily increase of 80% year on year. From the perspective of tourist source, tourists from outside the province accounted for 37%; From the perspective of scenic spots, the number of tourists received by Changbai Mountain increased by 330% year on year, Changchun Jingyue Lake increased by 406%, and Dunhua Liuding Mountain increased by 119%. Changchun "There are mountains here", animal and plant parks, Jilin Rime Island, Red Leaf Valley, Meihekou "the city that never sleeps in the northeast", Yanbian University "Internet Red Wall" and so on all open the "people follow the crowd" mode

During the "May Day" period, the spacious block of the Northeast Everbright City in Meihekou was bustling with people. Tourists from all directions gather in the Northeast Sleepless City to clock in and take photos. Photographed by Sun Chi

The tourism tropics give Jilin more than popularity. More important than popularity is the strong confidence of people all over the country in the revitalization of the Northeast. More important than confidence is that the revitalization of the Northeast has a valuable opportunity to change lanes and overtake. Many economic experts predict that the fire of cultural tourism will certainly drive the fire of other industries. New breakthroughs in the overall revitalization of the Northeast may begin with cultural tourism.

At least, in Jilin, we see the trend of "the future has come".

To understand Jilin, we must understand the development layout of Jilin's new journey

On September 7 last year, the General Secretary first proposed "developing new quality productivity" at the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, and sounded the clarion call for a new round of revitalization breakthrough. Jilin acted quickly, held the fourth plenary session of the 12th provincial party committee, made strategic positioning, overall planning, and systematic deployment for Jilin's comprehensive revitalization in the new era to take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs, proposed to accelerate the cultivation of "four clusters" of big agriculture, big equipment, big tourism, and big data, and developed "six new industries" of new energy, new materials, new medicine, new health care, new services, and new e-commerce, Build "four new facilities" of new infrastructure, new environment, new life and new consumption, and promote the transformation and upgrading of old industrial bases.

Members of Chengnong Agricultural Machinery Farmers Professional Cooperative in Jingyou Village, Caijia Town, Lishu County drive large intelligent seeders to sow corn. As the weather gets warmer, the field sowing in Lishu County begins gradually. It is understood that in 2024, Lishu County plans to plant 3.939 million mu of spring sown crops, including 3.39 million mu of corn, 170000 mu of soybeans, 100400 mu of rice, 28000 mu of potatoes and 250600 mu of other crops. Photographed by Guo Ganfeng's reporter Qian Wenbo

From the perspective of internal logic, the cultivation of "four clusters" is the key, the development of "six new industries" is the direction, and the construction of "four new facilities" is the guarantee. The cultivation of "four clusters" and the development of "six new industries" focus on promoting high-quality development. The core is to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Jilin characteristics and advantages, and form a new pattern of industrial development with multiple supports, simultaneous development of multiple industries and diversified development. The construction of "four new facilities" aims to meet the people's growing needs for a better life, constantly translate the development achievements into the people's quality of life, so that the people have more sense of gain, happiness and security, and promote high-quality development with high-quality life, so as to truly achieve high-quality development and sustainable revitalization. This is an important starting point for Jilin to implement the requirements of the General Secretary and promote the revitalization and breakthrough, and it is also a concrete embodiment of Jilin's efforts to develop new quality productivity in line with local conditions and deliver high-quality answers. After the plenary session of the provincial party committee, the main leaders of the provincial party committee intensively carried out more than 20 relevant investigations on this layout, which became more and more closely combined with the actual situation, and the development ideas became more and more clear.

On April 3, at the commissioning site of CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., the world's first hydrogen energy city train was waiting for further commissioning tests. The world's first hydrogen energy city train independently developed by CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. recently completed a test run at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour, which not only marks another major breakthrough in hydrogen energy in China's rail transit field, but also verifies the province's solid scientific and technological innovation and large equipment manufacturing capacity, and is the latest vivid practice of accelerating the formation of new quality productivity in our province. Photographed by our reporter Zhao Bo

Look at the general situation when playing chess, and plan for the overall situation. Taking one "old" and one "new" industry as an example, Jilin is constantly seizing new tracks, shaping new momentum and building new advantages.

Jilin has produced the first domestic automobile in China, and the automobile industry is the first pillar industry of Jilin Province, which is also a traditional industry. Today, FAW is accelerating the development of new energy vehicles, comprehensively accelerating the product R&D layout in the area of electrification, and brands such as Hongqi are accelerating the layout of new energy vehicles, intensively launching new products, and seizing the domestic and overseas markets. In the southwest of Changchun, Audi FAW New Energy Vehicles, FAW Verdi New Energy Vehicle Power Battery and other major projects are lined up, and the "Automobile City" is making efforts to expand the new energy vehicle industry cluster.

"The wind blows only twice a year and once half a year." The strong wind was once regarded as the natural disadvantage of western Jilin, but Jilin saw the opportunity of green energy development from it. "Out of nothing" gathered the new energy industry and focused on the "green power" article. The first barrel of "zero carbon crude oil" in China was produced in Block III of Jilin Oilfield Xinli Oil Production Plant near Chagan Lake. Traditional crude oil exploitation requires a large amount of energy consumption, especially in the oil displacement process, which relies on power support. The electric energy and other energy consumed in the production of "zero carbon crude oil" are all produced from clean energy, thus realizing zero carbon emissions in the production of crude oil. New energy has brought new breakthroughs to the supply of traditional energy, driven a series of new industries to settle in Jilin, and more than 100 upstream and downstream supporting enterprises have coordinated development to create a "green power" industrial chain.

In recent years, the comprehensive launch of the "Land Scenery Three Gorges" project in our province has raised the development and utilization of new energy to a strategic level. By building a national level clean energy base in the west, we will firmly grasp the initiative of energy security and provide lasting impetus for Jilin's economic and social development. The picture shows Zhenlai New Energy Project of Huaneng Jilin Power Generation Co., Ltd. Photographed by Pan Shengyu

Looking at Jilin today, the pattern of stable agriculture, fast industry and excellent service industry has emerged. In the first quarter of this year, the number of scientific and technological achievements transformed in the province increased by 70.1%, the turnover of technology contracts increased by 106.8%, and the output value of high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation information technology, new energy vehicles and other industries increased by 38.7%, 13.4%, and 11% respectively. A large number of new quality productivity is accelerating. On April 22, at the Jilin special press conference on the theme of "Promoting High Quality Development" series held by the State Council Information Office, the main responsible comrades of the provincial government introduced that Jilin is an important industrial base, a major agricultural province, and a strong ecological province in China. It is the "cradle" of the automobile, chemical, and film industries of the Republic. It has created many national "firsts" and made important historical contributions. In the new era and new journey, Jilin has a deep historical background, inherits the struggle gene, and makes every effort to "make up for the exam" and "catch up for the exam" to comprehensively revitalize new breakthroughs.

To understand Jilin, you must understand the new popularity of Jilin

The population has returned! In 2023, Jilin will have a net inflow of 43400 people, the first time in 13 years! In the past, Jilin, which had many colleges and universities but could not retain talents, used to be very sad about "peacocks flying southeast", but now it is very happy about "peacocks flying northeast" and "lucky people returning home".

The key to Jilin's revitalization lies in people.

In recent years, the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and the Jilin Provincial People's Government have always attached great importance to attracting talents, gathering population and promoting high-quality population development. They have improved talent policies, built career platforms, called on Kyrgyz people to return to their hometown to start businesses and find jobs, warmly invited students from Kyrgyz University to stay in Kyrgyz, attracted various talents to develop in Kyrgyz, embraced all rivers and sought development, and looked up to the world The gratifying situation of ten thousand galloping horses gathering in Jilin is gradually taking shape.

In 2018, Jilin launched "18 talent policies", which is like "one stone arouses a thousand waves" in China. Later, version 2.0, version 3.0 and corresponding supporting measures were successively launched to build a relatively complete "1+N" talent policy system. Version 3.0 alone has enabled more than 40000 talents to enjoy real dividends. On April 23 of this year, the Jilin Provincial Talent Work Promotion Conference released the "Changbai Talent Plan", which optimized and integrated the original talent plan of our province, linked with the talent policy version 3.0, and to a greater extent, built a wild goose pattern of talent development in Jilin and released talent innovation and creativity. At the meeting, the "Several Measures to Promote the Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates", tailored for college graduates, was also released, which is very valuable.

From 2021, the main leaders of the provincial party committee will come to colleges and universities every year in the graduation season to tell students about the new achievements, new opportunities and new atmosphere of Jilin's revitalization and development, and encourage college graduates to stay in Jilin for development and participate in Jilin's revitalization. At the same time, special classes were organized to Tianjin, Shanghai, Kunming and other places to hold a series of talent recruitment activities and carry out a series of activities of "entrepreneurship and struggle in Jilin"; We held a symposium on cooperation between Jiren returning to their hometown, entrepreneurship and employment, a conference of alumni talents promoting the revitalization and development of Jilin, and various talent forums. Millions of people watched each live event online.

If you work hard for a long time, there will be an echo. More and more people rationally choose and take the initiative to go to Jilin, which conveys the positive expectation of the whole society on Jilin, and itself is a powerful energy to promote the revitalization of Jilin.

The number of "Kyrgyz people returning to their hometown" has reached 582000 in the past four years. In 2023 alone, 217000 people will choose to innovate and start businesses in Jilin, including 133000 graduates in Kyrgyz, 54000 people returning to Kyrgyz and 30000 people coming to Kyrgyz. An additional 48000 people contributed to the social security system, which confirmed the large number and high quality of the inflow population.

In the past three years, the net outflow of talents with senior professional titles in the province has shifted to net inflow, and the inflow of high-end talents has exceeded the outflow for three consecutive years. The rate of college graduates staying in Kyrgyzstan has reached a new high, which has now exceeded 60%. In 2020, there will be 70000 college graduates in Kyrgyzstan, 90000 in 2021, 118000 in 2022, and 133000 last year.

On April 6, the first Meihekou Chinese and Foreign Commodity Fair was held in Meihekou International Convention and Exhibition Center. This 9-day exhibition has gathered more than 360 enterprises from 20 countries and regions to participate in the exhibition, including nearly 10000 kinds of goods such as piano, hand carving, handicrafts, clothing, household goods, etc. Photographed by Zhao Dong's reporter Wang Yaohui

To see the popularity of Jilin, we also need to see the stations, airports, scenic spots and exhibitions. Changchun Longjia Airport's flight volume and passenger volume recovery rate have always ranked first among domestic ten million level airports, and its throughput will exceed 15 million person times in 2023. In the first quarter of this year, railway passenger traffic increased by 39.2%, highway passenger traffic increased by 52.1%, and civil aviation passenger traffic increased by 43%. During the Spring Festival holiday, the number of domestic tourists received increased by 55.5%, and four of the top ten destinations for ice and snow tourism in China were on the list. Major events such as the Northeast Asia Expo, the Global Kyrgyzstan Business Conference, and the World Cold Winter Ice and Snow Economic Conference have polished the "Kyrgyzstan Brand" brand on the world stage.

To understand Jilin, we must understand the new development environment of Jilin

Since the second half of last year, the party and government delegations of Jilin Province have successively visited 14 provinces, autonomous regions and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, etc., to attract investment and talents at the same time, covering the whole country. After discussion and exchange with more than 1300 enterprises, more than 200 cooperation agreements were signed, and many famous enterprises scrambled to settle down in Jilin. In the new energy industry alone, there are Audi PPE and its supporting projects, FAW Ferdi new energy power battery, 1.2 million tons of ethylene in Jihua, CRRC Songyuan new energy industry base, Chint new energy industry base, "Land Scenery Three Gorges", "Mountain Water Energy Storage Three Gorges", "Global Geothermal Three Gorges" and a batch of 10 billion level and 100 billion level major projects. Sany, Yuanjing, Guangdong Mingyang Shanghai Electric, Anhui Sunshine, China Tianying and a large number of well-known domestic enterprises have entered Kyrgyzstan.

In the workshop of CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industrial Base Project in Songyuan, workers are stepping up production of wind power equipment. With an investment of 45 billion yuan, the project took only 100 days from signing the contract to commencement, and more than 100 days from commencement to product offline. Behind the high-speed completion and production of a "scenery" industrial project is the vivid practice of Jilin Province's determination to develop wind power industry. Cai Yuan (information picture)

At the end of April, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province held three high-level entrepreneurs' symposiums in Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and Shaanxi. At the meeting, Yili Industrial Group, Sichuan Wine Group Co., Ltd., Chifeng Fuqiang Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises expressed their willingness to invest in Jilin on the spot. After deducting the investment in real estate development, the investment in private projects increased by 16.5%, which was a highlight of Jilin's economic data in the first quarter. The active investment in private projects is the greatest affirmation of Jilin's business environment.

At several provincial meetings, the main responsible comrades of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee repeatedly stressed that we should do a good job of "letting go" and "letting go", further emancipate our minds, be open and inclusive, let go and invigorate, focus on the transformation of government functions, establish a digital platform for enterprises and the masses from top to bottom, and make "doing things efficiently" become the norm.

In 2018, Jilin, five years earlier than the country, took the lead in establishing a provincial, municipal and county level three bureau of government and statistics. At present, Jilin is the only province in the country that uses the whole process of "one system, one platform, one cloud, and one code" to implement online approval at the provincial, municipal, county, and rural levels. The project approval time has been reduced from more than 200 working days in 2019 to 81 working days, with the longest day and the shortest 20 minutes to start an enterprise. The coverage of government affairs services in the province remains the national leader, the integrated government affairs service ability and the city integrity index remain the first array in the country, the total number of online services has reached 81000, 78 types of certificates have been shared and submitted free in nearly 15000 government affairs services, and the masses and enterprises have basically achieved the goal of "running at most once" or even "not running at all". Last year, the number of newly registered business entities increased by 14%, the total number of registered business entities reached 3.59 million, and the number of business entities owned by every 1000 people ranked first in the country. Since the National Development and Reform Commission released the ranking of urban credit monitoring indicators, Jilin has been in the forefront of the country.

On the ninth day of the first month of this year, the provincial conference on optimizing business environment and accelerating project construction was held as scheduled. This is the first day of the lunar new year that Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government held a provincial meeting for ten consecutive years, and also the fourth consecutive year that the "first meeting of the new year" was held around optimizing the business environment and accelerating project construction. Compared with previous years, this year's "first meeting of the Spring Festival" requires more clearly: not only to "release" a new world, but also to "live" a new world, and promote "win business" by "doing business".

Here is a new mission and opportunity, here is a new momentum of development, here is a new industrial structure, here is innovative ideas, here is a new business environment, here is a fresh ecological environment

In Jilin today, the momentum of "progress" is stronger, the foundation of "stability" is more consolidated, the momentum of "new" is more surging, and the atmosphere of "living" is stronger. From "a good start" to "a good start all year round", Jilin is working hard on the next race schedule!

Author: Jilin Daily reporter Yu Xunlai, Pan Rui, Huang Lu Editor in charge: Wang Hongyan

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