Han Costume Design
three thousand seven hundred and eighty-two
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Pick up wild flowers Author: Duo Mingming popularity: two hundred and sixty-four thousand six hundred and fifty-two Issued on: August 11, 2023
Based on the clothing styles of the Pre Qin and Han Dynasties, the early clothing styles were simple and simple, and the hair style and headwear reference were limited and free to play more elements, so you are welcome to match them as you like.
This is the h5 version. The up, down, left and right keys can move a single dress, the keyboard U can move the components to the upper layer, the keyboard D can move the components to the next layer, and clicking the model can move the whole set of clothing related to the model.
★ If copyright is involved, please contact customer service QQ: 513160775.
The clothing mainly focuses on Chinese Song,Yuan, and Ming dynasties,Chinese ancient dress,Chinese Hanfu dress up.
#Ancient costume #Han Dynasty #Qin Dynasty