Han Costume Design
two thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
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Nomadic terrains Author: dodolo popularity: two hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and nineteen Issued on: July 2, 2023
The boundless grass, wild horses and sheep, bonfire dancing, fighting wine and singing; In addition to being gentle and dignified, ancient women also had the side of riding a horse and bending a bow.
The ancient nomadic style is mainly based on the shapes of the Liao Dynasty and Khitan, and will be updated irregularly. You are welcome to match it with your heart.
This is the h5 version. The up, down, left and right keys can move a single dress, the keyboard U can move the components to the upper layer, the keyboard D can move the components to the next layer, and clicking the model can move the whole set of clothing related to the model.
★ The patterns on the clothes may come from the brush/network. If any content involves copyright, please contact customer service QQ: 513160775.
Ancient nomadic style dressing, mainly in the form of Chinese Liao Dynasty and Khitan.Chinese ancient dress,Chinese Hanfu dress up.
#Ancient costume #Liao Dynasty