Han Costume Design
eight hundred and eighty-five
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Dream Tan Painting Volume Author: kelekelasi popularity: one hundred and eighty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-two Release date: November 28, 2019
Users of Rainbow Hall Fashion Design Hall: kelekelasi 's works, The clothes of fairy fantasy series are drawn from the clothing characteristics of various styles and periods. These are dreams that I think only exist in dreams, including all kinds of yarns, I like the printing and color matching very much. Every garment is my own idea. In addition to some adaptations, the main idea is to use the clothing design to show I feel like a fairy tale in my heart and realize the beauty in my dream.
This is the h5 version. The up, down, left and right keys can move a single dress, the keyboard U can move the components to the upper layer, the keyboard D can move the components to the next layer, and clicking the model can move the whole set of clothing related to the model.
All kinds of fantastic Chinese classical girl dress up.
#Fairy Illusion