Han Costume Design
forty-five thousand and sixty-eight
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Book Flying Q Edition Antique Author: Rainbow Hall popularity: one million nine hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-one Issued on: July 4, 2014
A gift for everyone in the summer vacation of 2014: Shu Yifei's Q series of characters of the Academy specially painted for Rainbow Hall. It's very cute. There are 10 sets in total. It takes a lot of time and energy. I hope you like it. The background music is the original music of Rainbow Hall.
About the background: The background is Wang Su's work in the graffiti gallery. Now we will continue to collect this [YX] background, and you are welcome to contribute. Please draw directly in the graffiti gallery.
Attached is Shu Yifei's microblog address: https://weibo.com/u/1281688275 , like friends can pay attention to.
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Cute little Chinese girl,from ShuYiFei painter,dress up.
#Version Q #Ancient costume #Qing Dynasty #Tang Dynasty