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Baiyun Encyclopedia
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    According to the regulations of national legal holidays and in combination with the actual situation of our company, the schedule of the 2024 "Dragon Boat Festival" holiday for the China Tech Logistics&Baiyun Network Operation Center is hereby notified as follows: the holiday is from June 8 (Saturday) to June 10 (Monday), with a total of 3 days off. 1. Arrangement of port vehicles passing through the port: June 8
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    According to the national regulations on statutory holidays and in combination with the actual situation of our company, the arrangements for the May Day holiday in 2024 of the International Logistics Platform - Baiyun Network Operation Center are hereby notified as follows: 1. Arrangements for port vehicles passing through the port: · May 1 - May 2 holiday · May 3 - May 4 normal office · May 5
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    As the saying goes, "It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books". The annual manager study tour of Zhongji Logistics&Baiyun Network is coming again! April is the most beautiful day in the world, which can live up to the spring and the time. From April 13 to April 17, 2024, Zhongji Logistics&Baiyun Network - the Red Study Tour follows the Yan'an Revolutionary Base
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    On March 23, 2024, when it was a lucky day and a lucky time, the Hong Kong Branch of Sinotech Logistics held a grand relocation ceremony, and all the staff gathered together to witness the milestone moment of the new development of Sinotech Logistics Hong Kong. The red carpet platform at the scene was full of flowers, lion dancing helped celebrate, and the relocation ceremony was very lively! Founder Zhang Qing
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