Murderous fairy tale 2 What kind of occupation do civilians play? 0 Krypton occupation recommendation

17:05, August 26, 2021 Source: fertilizer

Many young friends who just entered the pit do not know which career to choose when facing the initial career in the game. They are afraid that they will have to practice again after choosing the wrong career. So what career is good for civilians to play in the murderous fairy tale 2? Next, I brought you the career strategy of the murderous fairy tale 2, and recommended the suitable professions for civilian players.

No.1 Musician

This profession is a kind of magic therapy. It is characterized by using sound waves to attack enemies or heal friendly units. It is a dutiful nurse. The operation of this profession is not complicated at all. Standing behind the team and feeding the team-mates without stopping, there is no particularly high requirement for movement, and the equipment demand is not large. Novices can get started very smoothly. In the late game, a wet nurse is also essential for clearance. The revival of Shengyin is even more important for the imba. It is easy to find a team when forming a team. Therefore, I believe that this profession is well deserved as the first choice of civilians.

No.2 Hunter

Powerful remote output profession, with good self-protection ability, you should pay attention to your own position to avoid those remote skills so that you can attack the enemy safely. You won't worry about your life before the meat shield falls. The reason why Xiao Bian puts this section in the second place is that hunters have a low demand for equipment. With good operation, they can do a lot of damage in battle.

No.3 Wizard

The ability to control and output doctors in a centralized way, increase injuries and hit makes their performance in group warfare very stable. A wide range of aoe can quickly eliminate small soldiers and then focus on controlling to kill bosses. The team has a high demand for this profession, so finding a good team is not a problem.

In addition, if you like pure output, it can be converted into fire method in the later stage. By superimposing passive fire method, you can say that the output of all professions is the highest.

The above is a good introduction to what kind of careers civilians play in the murderous fairy tale 2. You can go to the murderous fairy tale 2 section of biubiu accelerator to learn or discuss more.

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