Is there a murderous fairy tale 2 gift package cost-effective? Analysis of Krypton gold gift package cost-effective

11:21, August 25, 2021 Source: fertilizer

As a role playing mobile game with fairy tale background, the murderous fairy tale 2 has attracted the attention of many cute new players. Cute newcomers often ask if there is a murderous fairy tale 2 gift package with high cost performance. They don't know how to spend less krypton gold and earn more. Next, I will analyze several gift packages in the game for you. Let's have a look.

RMB 28 monthly card gift package

This gift package costs 28 yuan per month. After purchase, you can get 280 diamonds that can only be obtained by recharging. You can also get a certain amount of bound diamonds every day. The additional number of arenas and robbers can also greatly speed up the growth of players. Two more discounts for 10 consecutive partners can save a lot of diamonds, which is extremely cost-effective. If you plan to use krypton gold, you can't miss this gift package.

RMB 68 Privileged Card Gift Bag

The price is a little higher than that of the monthly card, but there are more diamonds to be rebated. The growth rate of the character will have a qualitative leap after being combined with the 28 yuan special gift package. In addition, the family donation times+1 and double title allowance in the VIP card gift package are unique. If the player has a family, it can greatly speed up the family development. The family skill points are fast. If the funds are sufficient, the 68 yuan gift package is also essential.

88 yuan growth fund gift package

You can get bound diamonds every time you reach a certain level, and you can buy them on the basis of having opened a monthly card. Otherwise, you'd better buy a monthly card first.

First gift bag

This is a gift package of conscience.

Adventurer gift pack

Generally, if there is a need, the gift package for senior adventurers is OK, and the gift package for local tyrants can also be the gift package for great adventurers directly. Both of them are super value. If you have a monthly card, you can start with your own funds.

Daily gift package

Cost effective but not necessary.

The above is the introduction of the cost performance of the murderous fairy tale 2 gift package. You can buy it rationally according to your actual situation.

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