A murderous fairy tale 2. What career to choose for moving bricks? Recommended career for moving bricks

16:56, August 24, 2021 Source: fertilizer

Many kids earn some equipment and money by moving bricks in the murderous fairy tale 2. There are some differences in the efficiency of moving bricks in different professions. So what profession is good for moving bricks in the murderous fairy tale 2? Next, I would like to share with you what I think is a suitable career for moving bricks. Let's get to know the new buddies.

Top1 Holy Shield

This profession is a big front row player. It can stand for a long time when playing books. Its feature is that it doesn't need to stack equipment to increase its own blood volume. The demand for krypton gold is very small, and it doesn't need to spend much time on equipment. It is almost pure profit to play books and move bricks, which is very useful.

It is also very simple to add points. You can simply add points according to the recommended method in the system. You can directly stack the defense to the maximum limit, increase the damage bearing capacity, and add blood to the nurse during the battle.

Of course, the disadvantages of Saint Shield are also obvious. The single output capacity is too low. It takes a lot of time to single brush.

Top 2 musician

As a professional nurse, no matter in which game, she is very popular with other players, and the murderous fairy tale 2 is no exception. On the whole, there is little training for musicians. When playing dungeons, just stand behind and add blood to your teammates. There is no danger at all. The demand for defensive clothing and output clothing is very small, leaving the money for buying top-notch equipment. In addition, because the recovery ability of the company does not consume much medicine, the big expenditure of medicine money can be saved.

Generally speaking, the profit of brick moving in the game mainly comes from the equipment and materials produced by the copy. Professional brick moving with less equipment and materials is suitable. The above is a good introduction to what profession to choose from in the murderous fairy tale 2. Do you guys understand?

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