Dream West Tour Jiuli City Breakthrough Task Introduction

15:49, October 11, 2023 Source: JY

Recently, Dream Westward Journey has also started a wave of updates. This update is related to breakthrough. At present, many players are also discussing this update. A player is asking how to do the breakthrough mission in Jiuli City, and here comes the breakthrough mission strategy of Dream West Tour in Jiuli City. If you don't know where this breakthrough claim mission is located? How many battles are there in the middle? What do players need to prepare? Let's go into the game to learn about it.

After the update of the Dream Westward Journey, players saw the information about the level of Jiuli City that can be broken in the update announcement. Players only need to complete a series of tasks to break their level to 175. Although many players are very happy now, they are not very clear about the tasks they need to do.

If players want to unlock the breakthrough of level 175, they first need to take the task of Jiuli Crisis. Players need to go to Jiuli City to pick up a task from the Shadow Fairy. Then the Shadow Fairy will let players use light and force to build giant axes. When the task progress reaches 100%, players can break the level limit.

In addition to the task of updating the level breakthrough, this time we also updated the new weapons and materials about Jiuli City. If players happen to belong to this sect, they can start to prepare their own weapons now. After all, weapons are very important for players.

After Jiuli's level breakthrough, the level of skills also changed. At the same time, some skills with previous growth or poor compatibility may have new matching methods after this time. Players can make a series of attempts after level breakthrough.

These are the introduction of the breakthrough mission strategy of the Dream Westward Journey to Jiuli City. The difficulty of this mission is not very high, but mainly needs to collect all kinds of materials and Guangwu. Once the players are ready, the task is basically a natural one.

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