Dream Westward Tour Teacher's Day Activity Description of Dream Westward Tour Teacher's Day Activity 2023

13:36, September 7, 2023 Source: JY

In the round game, Dream Journey to the West can be said to be the peak of the game. Even now, this game still has a large number of players. Recently someone was asking, what are the activities of the Dream Westward Tour Mobile Tour Teachers' Day 2023? This Teacher's Day activity is very good. I suggest players consider doing it. Well, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's introduce this activity in the following section.

First, let's talk about the first activity, which is called Xie Shiqiao Li. This activity is relatively simple. Players only need to draw pictures and do tasks on a daily basis to get pocket money. These pocket money can be collected and exchanged. After being exchanged into gifts, they can be given to Shifu to improve their liking. When the popularity reaches a certain level, you will receive gifts from the master.

The second activity is the Heavenly Book Trial, which means players carry their summoning beasts and battle partners to go through the challenge. Each level of monsters will carry different characteristics, and each pass of a level, monsters will get different degrees of enhancement according to the moon phase, and players need to use the moon phase to break through these levels.

During the trial, players can get the item of Heavenly Book scroll as long as they participate in the activity. This item can enable players to learn the skills of other sects in the activity. Players can use them in later battles after learning the skills they want to use.

The last activity is Western Region Tracking. Players can get all kinds of clues about the sea moon beast in the desert oasis, and then they need to use the tracking compass to find the tracks of the sea moon beast. You can get a reward every time you look for it. If you find it directly, you will get a new look reward.

The above is a detailed description of the Teacher's Day activities of this game. Players can complete these activities according to their own time. Some activities can only be done after a certain amount of resource consumption, so players can choose whether to do them or not according to their own resources.

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