Guidelines for correctly selecting host types

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Many webmasters will think about what kind of host is more suitable for their own website. Choosing a host must consider both the website characteristics and the target audience. Here we will introduce how to select the right host.

Shared Virtual Host Guidelines for correctly selecting host types

The shared virtual host is more suitable for novice webmasters. It divides a Web server into multiple allocated disk space, bandwidth, and software packages. Each user can buy a shared virtual host package that meets the requirements of storage and data at a lower price. This is the most popular host type in the market in recent years.

The shared virtual host introduces products of different levels, prices and functions for different types of customers. It is suitable for building an entry-level business website or creating a personal blog home page. The most important thing is that the shared virtual host has different pricing layers, which means that it has different levels of customers, which has greatly expanded its business. When the business scope of webmasters changes and website services need to be upgraded, it is also very convenient to use shared virtual hosts.

WordPress host

The software package provided by many network virtual hosts is a management solution for a specific software package or content, WordPress host It is a typical case. WordPress is now the most popular content management system, which has been used by the majority of webmasters since its release, and has been favored by many webmasters with its powerful functions.

For those who want to build a blog website but lack professional knowledge, WordPress host is a good choice. At the same time, the WordPress host has the function of managing the background software library and the WordPress update function on the front end, which enables it to keep the software safe and avoid the trouble caused by the update. WordPress hosting may not be suitable for experienced host users or software companies that spend time learning WordPress plug-ins in depth. On the contrary, its target audience is amateur webmasters or even novice webmasters. The WordPress host of Bing Internet has a high product configuration, and has been specially optimized for the operation characteristics of WordPress, making it more suitable for novices.

E-commerce host

Many online businesses, such as shopping carts, payment processors, accounts, etc., need good security on the website to ensure the security of users' personal information. These services are difficult to implement in standard virtual hosting companies, and they are often bundled with exclusive e-commerce host software packages. These packages provide shopping carts, merchant accounts, payment processors, and SSL Certificate , which can make the shopping process safer and more intuitive.

The e-commerce host is suitable for e-commerce websites with large transaction volume and more profits. The e-commerce host is also suitable for businesses that have no time to manage servers and software libraries. By choosing this host to build a website, the enterprise website can have high security, operability or long-term sustainability.

Virtual machine

 Guidelines for correctly selecting host types

With the continuous development of cloud services, cloud hosts are the latest choice for more and more enterprises to build websites. Virtual machine is a virtualization technology similar to VPS host, which integrates computing, storage and network resources. The main difference between virtual machines and more traditional alternatives is that virtual machines use distributed data, which allows remote storage. Data is distributed on different servers, and can be used normally even when a specific server goes down.

Virtual machine is a good way for developers to transfer data from remote hosts, such as through mobile applications and desktop applications to achieve the use and transmission of data. Remote data storage provided by cloud computing is also the best way to reduce the related costs of servers or IT departments. Personal cloud hosts allow individuals to store their personal files and data in the cloud, and have the ability to access each other with Internet connected devices. Compared with more mature virtual machines, virtual machines still need a long time to develop and improve. In addition, they are not so approachable in terms of price.