How to improve the click rate of blog and establish a good relationship with readers

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    Whether you just started Blog You will agree that the ultimate goal of blogging is to attract more readers on the Internet and improve the click rate. You should not only retain readers, but also attract them to read again, so that your blog can become a place of information exchange with high traffic. Increase blog hits

    The reason why people visit blogs is not to see advertisements, but to read articles and acquire useful knowledge. Therefore, we should focus on the articles and spend more time on improving the quality of writing.

    To increase the click rate of blogs and establish good relations with readers, you should persist in creating high-quality blog articles, promote them on social networking sites, and ensure the originality and interest of the content.

    I Improve the quality of blog posts

    Improve the quality of articles Not only can it help you get the welcome and trust of readers, but also good blog posts can help you improve your ranking in search engines.

    What is high quality content? First, the content of the article should be different. If such articles are clustered on the network, your blog will be unattractive. If your blog is not fundamentally different from others, you can consider providing more abundant content than others. In addition, you should also provide some high-quality links in the article, such as links with high-quality content, or government or educational institutions. Insert beautiful pictures in your articles to make your articles look less boring. Finally, your blog articles should be linked to your website, and you should avoid articles that are irrelevant to your blog. Readers will feel puzzled and question your professionalism.

    II Integration of social media

    Another way to increase the click rate of blogs and establish good relations with readers is to integrate social media. For example, if you use WordPress, you can add a small program. When you update a blog post, your microblog or other social tools can update messages synchronously to notify your readers.

    When using social media to promote, be careful not to over promote to make readers dislike. You just provide a channel for customers to understand, and don't force them to buy. Finally, the information you provide should be valuable. Don't send too many spam messages to your readers.

    III Provide simple promotions

    You can simply provide some preferential information, but do not promote all the time, preferably once a quarter or once a month. This can not only increase the click rate of the blog, establish good relations with readers, but also improve the professionalism and credibility of the blog.

     Increase blog hits

    IV Focus on your target audience

    In order to increase the click rate of the blog and build a good relationship with readers, we have to talk about promotion. You should make your information reach your target audience simply and effectively. Many times you place advertisements on your microblog, which is not very effective for your blog promotion. However, it is more useful for you to place advertisements in specific places related to your blog. You can set up landing pages so that you can track the traffic and conversion rate brought by those advertisements, which can help you focus on your target audience and save promotion funds.

    V Make Blog Unique

    Let your readers guess what interesting articles your blog will post next time, so as to attract readers back to your website again. To be different, you have to keep an eye on other people's trends, come up with new themes and attract readers. Don't blindly repeat the old works of the past. It is your urgent need to do something new.