How to build an effective website

six thousand six hundred and fifteen

In the network era of fierce competition, it is urgent for enterprises to establish their own websites. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, they must follow the pace of market development, grasp the pulse of enterprise development, reasonably use advanced Internet means for corporate image publicity and product marketing, and establish a new platform for enterprise foothold and development. Although it sounds like a difficult task to build a website, with the continuous emergence of new technologies (such as content management system CMS), the original complex software installation and website publishing process become easier. People only need to select the theme of their website, define the appearance of the website, and then start publishing the content of the website. Other installations can be completed automatically.

In this article, Bisheng Internet will simply organize the process of building a website into seven steps: (too much content, please click on the title you need to know to view)

First, the preliminary planning of station construction;
Second, choose the right virtual host;
Third, register the domain name;
Fourth, website construction;
Fifth, the content to be released;
Sixth, search engine optimization content;
Seventh, pay attention to user feedback.

1、 Preliminary planning of station construction
In order to work more efficiently, we should first conduct a needs analysis: understand how your website will be configured? What functions do you need? Main content? Personnel work problems? According to the preliminary needs assessment, form your team and make reasonable staffing. Then reasonably adjust resource allocation, including but not limited to web designers, html coding, web developers, project managers, authors/editors and stakeholders.

2、 Select the correct virtual host
In the process of building a website, buying a virtual host requires a reliable website hosting service provider. However, choosing a hosting provider is often challenging, and website hosting, control panel, database, file backup and security, affordability, etc. need to be considered. When choosing the best virtual host for business and e-commerce websites, reliability and security are the two most concerned aspects.
1. Understand the stability of the host, server load time, and functions, and analyze the results through relevant evaluation.
2. Understand the strength of the hosting provider: the host package provided, the server configuration used, and timely and effective technical support.
3. Understand the policies and services on file backup and disaster recovery of the host.
4. When selecting host space, it is necessary to consider the budget and requirements clearly, and try to select a stable, fast, powerful, and technically supported host.
5. Read the comments of customers who have used the virtual host.
Of course, during the search process, you will find the following types of web hosting options for you to choose:
Free web host
Standard web host
Dedicated, virtual and shared hosts
Most people are easily attracted to the "free" web host at the beginning. But I have to say that there is no free lunch in the world, and free web hosts have many disadvantages. Not only can you not get enough space, but you also need to run host ads on your website. At the same time, there are restrictions on traffic, IIS, and database size. Therefore, it is still recommended to choose a regular host supplier here. For example, it has a good guarantee in this regard, and constantly upgrades, with 7 * 24 technical support, to ensure the security of the host and make users worry free. If necessary, click to view The best 5 steps to choose a virtual host

3、 Register domain name
The domain name is the link between enterprises and the Internet. People can enter the domain name to visit your website, such as Its function is just like the trademark and brand of enterprises in reality. A professional domain name is the basis for building an effective website. It can not only attract more people to visit, but also have the opportunity to get a higher ranking in major search engines. The best way is to choose www [Insert enterprise Name]. com type domain name. If. com is unavailable, don't worry. Other top-level domains (TLDs:. net and. org) are also valid. For example, if you are a photographer, applying. photo TLD can effectively help potential customers remember your URL.
Here are some tips for choosing a domain name: 1. Keep it short, simple, unique and unique
2. With enterprise/product relevance, including keywords (enterprise/product/trademark/brand, etc.)
3. Use Pinyin, English, abbreviations and other words as domain names
4. Avoid misspelling, use of rare characters or symbols, etc
5. Priority registration of top-level domains such as. com and. net

To learn more about how to select a domain name, click View How to select a website domain name?

Advantages and disadvantages of using multiple domain names
In most cases, in the hosting scheme you choose, the virtual host provider will provide you with a domain name registered in your name. In addition, you can also choose a third-party company to register the domain name. If you register the domain name through the host provider, the host will automatically link the domain name to your web server. If you choose to register with a third-party company, you need to log in your host account on the registration website and link your domain name to the DNS address of the host.

4、 Website construction
After finishing the above work, the next thing we need to do is log in to the host account. Generally, the host vendors provide cPanel, Plesk, etc. with graphical front ends. Click cPanel Make demand selection. Find the icons of [One Click Installation], [Easy Installation], or [Quick Installation] above, and click the icons to see a list of applications, such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, DotNetNuke, Discussion, etc. You can choose to install the corresponding applications according to your website content and personal preferences. If you are not sure which CMS to use, Bisheng Internet recommends WordPress, which is currently recognized as the most user-friendly CMS.
1. Website design software
Commonly used software mainly includes Dream weaver and Front Page (page making tools for editing HTML, ASP, JSP, PHP, CSS, XML and JS); Flash (preferred for web page flow picture); Photoshop (powerful image processing software); For those who have a certain understanding of web page programming, you can also design a website through a text editor such as Notepad.
2. Content Management System (CMS)
You can build a professional website with unified style and powerful functions through CMS without mastering many complex website building technologies and learning too many complex HTML languages. The content management system CMS, such as WordPress, Joomal or Drupal, has many excellent template based designs. By changing the template, you can design an unnecessary website appearance. Users can choose the appropriate theme for the website according to their own preferences.
Although the theme can be changed at any time, frequent theme change is not conducive to the website's SEO, nor to the accumulation of loyal users, so you'd better determine a clear theme and tone for the website at the beginning of the construction of the site, and then keep it. Don't change the theme easily.
3. Establish content management system
If the host vendor provides automatic CMS installation, then installing and configuring CMS is a very simple process.

Take WordPress as an example. After one click installation, add "/wp admin" after the domain name of the website to enter the login interface. After entering the user name and password, you can see your CMS main interface. At this time, the first thing to do is to install the template. Select the "Theme" option under the "Appearance" menu. There are thousands of free WordPress themes. You can browse and select mobile friendly themes that can use different screen sizes. Then start building your own website according to your needs.
Although WordPress is easy for beginners to master, in order to reduce time consumption or want professional design, you can consider hiring a designer, such as the top 3% "freelance talents" employed by Top Total, obtain a professional from, or find a designer in Up Work. When using WordPress to build a website, the editor recommends using the WordPress host of Bisheng Internet, which is specially optimized according to the operation characteristics of WordPress. It is suitable for building personal blogs, corporate websites and e-commerce websites. It supports one click installation of WordPress, and can quickly build a new website in just a few minutes.

4. Add plug-ins properly
No matter what type of enterprise it is, the proper selection of plug-ins can make the functions of the website more perfect and obtain more traffic. However, improper use of plug-ins may slow down the website or even crash the web page, which will reduce the user's experience. According to the characteristics of your website, it is very important to reasonably select plug-ins with strong practicability.
Woo Commerce is a necessary plug-in for entrepreneurs who sell physical products online. The plug-in is bound to PayPal, which makes payment very easy, and it can also help you deliver products to your customers.
Simple digital downloads are for businesses that sell digital products on their websites. If you want your customers to be able to download your product with one click of the mouse, it is your preferred plug-in.
The Buddy Press plug-in will help you manage social media and create forums.
If you are selling subscription based digital products, Member Press can help you start generating recurring revenue and manage it when your customer base continues to expand. It supports many payment gateways, including Stripe and

5、 Publishing content
The content of a website is the life of the website. The quality of the website is directly related to the overall image of visitors to the website. Maintaining good content quality is the basis for a website to maintain high traffic and improve search engine ranking. Unique style, content with unique views, and beautiful paragraphs are all conditions to attract readers. Even if they lack originality, they should keep the style of the whole website unified. The website content is mainly divided into static content and dynamic content. The content needs the enterprise to combine the actual situation with the customer needs, and understand the various needs of the enterprise, including market conditions, competition status, marketing channels, etc. through the analysis of target customer groups. You can create many static pages through Dreamweaver, and then transfer them to the website directory in the host space, so that users can access your static content.
1. Static content
If you choose to use web design software (such as Dreamweaver) to build a website, you need to upload the created files to the server before users can access them. Although the host vendor also provides a file management system, this system is often slow and unreliable, especially in the process of transferring a large number of files, which is prone to unexpected interruption. Therefore, we recommend that you use the Firefox browser and an extension called FireFTP when uploading files to the server. FireFTP is based on the FTP protocol and can directly connect to your server. FireFTP can automatically recover even if the connection is interrupted.
2. Dynamic content
You can also choose to publish dynamic content. For example, WordPress is a free dynamic content management system and the best and fastest way to publish a small business website. Log in to the background of WordPress, and you can find a shortcut for publishing articles in a conspicuous place. Every time an article is published, the website will generate a link for it, and you can see this article on the homepage of the website.
If it is a commercial website, the added content is mostly displayed in the form of pages, while the "About Us" or "Company Content" parts are rarely changed. For personal blogs, most of the added content is displayed in the form of Posts. Creating a post will have a creation date. The homepage of your website always displays the most recently published articles. It should be emphasized that blogs are not necessarily personal. Many commercial websites also have blog sections to release news and other information.
Follow these steps to easily create and publish your website. Although it is very easy to publish a website, subsequent maintenance and update are also very important. For the healthy development of the website and search engine optimization, it is recommended that you optimize and update the website content regularly.

6、 SEO content
After you build and publish your website, you need to develop effective search engine optimization content, which is crucial for building and maintaining a strong website. The implementation of high-quality search engine optimized content will help the website rise in search engine ranking, attract traffic and bring potential sales for your online business.
Effective SEO content includes keywords, keyword density, keyword layout and link construction.
1. Reasonable link settings
In order to get more website traffic, you can reasonably set up some links. From the perspective of optimization, it is better to avoid using Chinese for fixed links. In addition, fixed links can provide usability and compatibility for websites. If your website provides some download resources, you can add the URL link of the website to these resources. The URL should have a certain meaning or be as short as possible, and once the URL is determined, it is better not to change it easily, otherwise it will cause many unnecessary troubles. In this way, users can easily visit your website and remember your website by clicking the link when viewing resources.
2. Reasonably control keywords
Keyword is an important part of SEO. Generally speaking, the density of keywords should be controlled between 3% and 8%. Too much or too little is not conducive to website optimization. At the same time, it is also very important to select keywords reasonably. Try to make keywords more suitable for the theme of the website, and also make it easy for readers to understand the content of the article. Moreover, the addition of keywords should be reasonable, instead of blindly adding them, which will reduce the readability of the article.
Many free tools and services are available to help develop strategic SEO content. Of course, enterprises employing a search engine optimization master is also a solution for managing and marketing SEO activities. In order to make your website run normally and meet the user experience better, you need to test and maintain the website frequently and develop the website content regularly.

7、 Focus on user feedback
The construction and improvement of the website cannot be separated from the website users. The website is born of users. At the same time, user feedback can make the website more perfect. Every user is worthy of respect. Only by actively communicating with your website users in various ways, understanding their needs and improving the construction of the website in time can we attract more visitors. Timely reply to visitors' messages, and modestly accept useful suggestions from visitors are all effective ways to show their sincerity to visitors.
Consider building an online community around the business to get user feedback. Whether Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter, many successful online brands are built around communities. For example, you can encourage users to create content and then share it on your home page. If you are selling a complex product and there are many ways to use these products, let users who have created amazing things make different videos to show how they make full use of your tools. Set up comment pages and community forums so that your customers can get together and chat. Provide space for people to interact with other fans of your service and increase stickiness.

With the above information, do you have a basic understanding of building websites? Go and try to build a website that can improve your brand competitiveness!

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