The Market Supervision Bureau of Mentougou District focuses on "potential, power and vitality" to help re optimize the business environment in the jurisdiction

Date: 2024-06-07 15:19      Source: People's Government of Mentougou District

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In order to continuously optimize the business environment and escort enterprises to better develop, the Market Supervision Bureau of Mentougou District, according to the relevant work deployment of the city and the district, gives full play to its functional advantages, continuously optimizes the whole life cycle services of enterprises, further stimulates the development potential, vitality and endogenous power of enterprises, and provides strong support for the green high-quality transformation and development of the district.

First, adhere to building "Beijing service" to further stimulate the development potential of enterprises. We carried out a full life cycle registration service for business entities, and handled registration procedures for 14000 business entities through the notification and commitment system. Cooperate with the Government Affairs Service Bureau to issue the first comprehensive permit of "one business, one license" for rural homestay industry in the region, effectively reducing the start-up cost of homestay enterprises. Smooth the online and offline "food business license consulting services" dual channels, and provide license consulting services for catering enterprises. As of May 28, there were 76535 business entities in the district, with a year-on-year growth of 12.44%, ranking the fifth in the city.

Second, we continued to deepen integrated and comprehensive supervision to further stimulate the development momentum of enterprises. The implementation plan of the three-year action plan for off-site supervision was introduced and a special promotion meeting was organized. The white list pilot evaluation was carried out, and 119 pilot subjects were identified. Further deepen the "double commitment" working mechanism, and organize and complete the comprehensive physical examination and centralized training for 11 demonstration units. We strengthened the standardization of law enforcement, continued to promote inclusive and prudent supervision, implemented the system of exemption from punishment for minor violations and prudent punishment for initial violations, and reduced fines and confiscations by about 6.292 million yuan. The "double random and one open" supervision was promoted as a whole, and 14 batches of inspections were completed.

Third, orderly promote cross regional regulatory linkage to further stimulate enterprise development vitality. Break through the barriers of registration policies, refine and implement the Implementation Plan for Optimizing the Cross regional Migration Registration of Business Entities in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and create a new service model of "one place application, mutual recognition of data, internal circulation, and one-time settlement". In the first half of the year, a total of 4 enterprises completed the migration registration. Strengthening regional supervision and law enforcement cooperation, the main leaders led teams to Laishui and Zhuolu for exchange and discussion on combating pyramid selling, double commitment, intellectual property and other work. Strengthen regional co governance of food safety, and cooperate with the municipal bureau to promote food licensing and regulatory standards in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei; Timely report the unqualified (problem) food information of the other province (city) found in the sampling inspection and monitoring of the district bureau, and no relevant information has been found at present.

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