May 18 is the International Museum Day. Beijing Museum Month will launch four theme activities on the same day, and nearly 1000 exhibitions will be unveiled in the week

Date: 2024-05-16 08:48      Source: Beijing Daily

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Original title: This Saturday is International Museum Day, Beijing Museum Month will launch 4 theme activities on the same day, and nearly 1000 exhibitions will be unveiled in the week

 "Dragon, the totem of the Chinese nation -- the exhibition of Chinese 8000 year dragon culture cultural relics" is on display in the temporary exhibition hall of the Chinese Archaeological Museum of the Chinese Academy of History, and some cultural relics meet the audience for the first time.

"Dragon, the totem of the Chinese nation -- the exhibition of Chinese 8000 year dragon culture cultural relics" is on display in the temporary exhibition hall of the Chinese Archaeological Museum of the Chinese Academy of History, and some cultural relics meet the audience for the first time. Photographed by Wang Haixin

May 18 is the International Museum Day, and 2024 Beijing Museum Month will be launched on the same day. The exhibition week, cultural and creative week, film week and reading week will be staged in turn within one month, inviting citizens to share the achievements of the museum city construction. Nearly 1000 online and offline exhibitions will be unveiled at the same time, the Sanxingdui thematic exhibition will be unveiled, and the museum film night and the book city series activities will be launched in succession.

Focusing on the theme of International Museum Day, "Museums are committed to education and research", this museum month will continue until June 18 with the slogan of "City of museums - make learning more enjoyable". The Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage will hold an exhibition of achievements, and launch theme activities in combination with the "61" International Children's Day, Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, Dragon Boat Festival and other nodes.

The exhibition week will last from May 18 to 24, and the activity of "One Hundred Pavilions, One Thousand Exhibitions and Ten Thousand Views of People" will be launched. As one of the highlights of the exhibition week, Yan Zhao's Spring Resumption Special Exhibition on the Coordinated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be opened in the Beijing Grand Canal Museum, and the museums of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will work together to highlight the treasures.

More than 100 museums, including the Capital Museum, the China Railway Museum, the Beijing Art Museum, the Beijing Stone Carving Art Museum, the Beijing Museum of Ancient Architecture, and the Beijing Folklore Museum, will launch nearly 1000 exhibitions online and offline, and rely on the "Beijing Museum Cloud" applet to distribute 10000 free tickets to the public every day. "The youth of 'Beijing' color culture bloomed", the ancient capital tour was launched synchronously, inviting college students in the capital to enter the museum and feel the charm of the museum. The Capital Museum also plans to jointly launch the "Museum First Class" with experts in the field of education, inviting primary and secondary students to watch online.

On May 25, 2024 Beijing Cultural Expo Creative Design Competition was launched, opening the Cultural and Creative Week. During this period, the National Museum of Nature, the Beijing Grand Canal Museum, the Beijing Art Museum, the Eastern Suburb Hall of the China Railway Museum, the White Pagoda Temple, and the Tuancheng Martial Arts Hall will open weekend cultural and creative fairs. The Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage will also organize museums to carry out "cultural and creative products for the benefit of the people" activities, and promote cultural and creative boutiques of each museum through discounts, buy and give.

The film week will last from June 1 to 7. At that time, nearly 30 museums will be delayed to open, playing more than 10 high-quality films and launching a series of activities of "Museum+Film", including "Understanding a Museum", "Understanding an Exhibition" and "Appreciating a Film in a Museum". Visitors can enjoy the night of light and shade in the open air or public space of the museum.

From June 8 to 14, the Reading Week will be dominated by the Capital Museum and the Beijing Grand Canal Museum, with reader meetings, book fairs, sitcom recitations and other activities. Museums in Beijing will also launch a series of activities of "Museum+Reading" to help build a city of museums and a city of books.

On June 18, the achievements exhibition will focus on the achievements of four theme activity weeks, and the Sanxingdui theme exhibition of Beijing Grand Canal Museum will be unveiled. (Li Qiyao)

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