"Ten Thousand Step Appointment" invites you to get up. Citizens can log in the CDC public account to register

Date: 2024-05-07 11:20      Source: Beijing Evening News

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The 2024 Beijing "Ten Thousand Step Promise" Walking Contest was launched recently. The activity is open to the whole city to recruit participants, and appeals to citizens who love walking, are willing to walk, and want to develop the habit of walking ten thousand steps a day to join the "ten thousand steps have an appointment" team, and become practitioners and communicators of healthy weight of the whole people.

The theme of this activity is "monthly health promotion", which is hosted by the Municipal Health Commission and undertaken by the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The activity takes the healthy walking integral contest as the incentive mode, and carries out a series of online and offline activities for the professional population of the vast number of organs, enterprises and institutions, striving to enable more people to develop the scientific healthy walking habit of walking ten thousand steps a day, widely advocate a healthy lifestyle, and continue to promote the city's nationwide healthy weight action.

Citizens can log in to the public account of "Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention", click "Disease Control Service", find the bottom "Yuejian Yueyue Health" section, and register for the competition. The activity will last until August 31, once a month. Participants can decide on their own time and choose to participate in only one session or the whole process.

It is reported that the "Ten Thousand Step Appointment" Walking Incentive Contest was launched by the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention and has been carried out nationwide. The city has participated in this activity for eight consecutive years, with nearly 60000 players participating in it. In 2024, the city will select 4 districts as representatives to participate in the national competition.

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