Students can choose multiple schools to participate in the professional ability test for independent enrollment of secondary vocational schools on Sunday

Date: 2024-05-07 11:07      Source: Beijing Evening News

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The Beijing Institute of Education and Examination has recently released the Independent Enrollment Plan for Secondary Vocational Education in Beijing in 2024 and the Description of Independent Enrollment Plan for Secondary Vocational Education in Beijing in 2024. Candidates who have participated in the junior high school academic level examination in the third grade of the junior high school in 2024 and have the qualification to enter secondary vocational education in 2024 can apply for the examination. Students in senior secondary schools (including those who are retired) are not allowed to register for the exam. From May 12 to 16, candidates should take the professional ability test according to the time and requirements specified by the school.

Candidates can choose multiple schools to participate in the test, but only one school (major) that has passed the test can apply for the test. Candidates must submit the "Application Form" and "Physical Examination Form" signed by themselves and their parents (guardians) to the school that has confirmed the application as the basis for applying for the school (specialty). The enrollment school shall complete the "2024 Secondary Vocational Education Independent Enrollment Admission Receipt", affix its official seal and hand it to the examinee as an admission voucher.

On May 20, candidates can check the admission results through the website of the Examination Institute. Candidates who have been admitted by independent enrollment will continue to participate in the junior high school academic level examination, and their scores will be recorded as "qualified/unqualified". They will no longer participate in the volunteer filling and other enrollment. For relevant examinees, the examination institute does not publish the original score and does not provide small score query.

For five-year higher vocational colleges, the measures for the management of student status of secondary vocational schools shall be implemented for the students enrolled in the first three years, and no transfer students shall be accepted; The management measures for student status of colleges and universities shall be implemented in the fourth to fifth grades. Those who have completed the secondary vocational education plan and passed the grade can obtain the secondary vocational education graduation certificate; Those who have completed the five-year learning task and passed the exam can obtain the diploma of higher vocational education.

The students enrolled in the pilot project of the reform of connecting secondary and higher vocational schools, who have completed the required courses according to the teaching plan and passed the grade, can participate in the transition examination independently organized by the corresponding higher vocational colleges (listed in the independent enrollment plan of the year) in a class system, and those who pass the examination can enter the corresponding higher vocational colleges for study. (Niu Weikun)

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