Primary School Enrollment Information Collection Launches "Enrollment without Housing" Need to Pay Attention to Tenancy Period Requirements

Date: 2024-05-07 11:05      Source: Beijing Daily

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On May 6, the city's compulsory education enrollment platform launched primary school enrollment information collection. In 2024, the six districts of the city will further clarify the filing period of renting houses for families without houses. The district education committees have made it clear that the relevant departments will jointly review the admission qualifications and continue to strengthen the verification of the authenticity of household registration, real estate and other contents.

In 2024, Haidian District's housing rental filing policy will continue to be implemented. When households without housing registration in other districts of the city enroll in the district, the houses rented by legal guardians of school-age children need to be registered and filed on the city's housing rental service platform for at least 2 years, and from 2025, the filing must be completed for at least 3 years. The district further clarifies that the real estate ownership certificates obtained after May 1, 2022 (including that day) for non residential types such as office, commerce, public buildings and hotels can not be used as a basis for enrollment.

Xicheng District has made it clear that school-age children from households without housing registration in other districts of the city who apply for admission in this district must meet the following requirements: both parents, school-age children and their minor brothers and sisters have no property right houses, no public houses (with the Public Housing Lease Contract), no military property houses in the name of this city, and no housing transaction transfer records in the past three years; The legal guardian has continuously rented the house separately and has actually lived in Xicheng District for more than 3 years, and has registered on the housing leasing supervision platform year by year. The rented house must meet the requirement that the per capita use area of the family is not less than 5 square meters, and the residence is suitable for living; At least one parent has been employed in Xicheng District for more than 3 years.

Dongcheng District, Fengtai District and Shijingshan District require that school-age children from households without housing registration in other districts of the city who enroll in the district must meet the requirements of working and living in the district for a long time, meet the requirements of renting at the same address in the district and actually living for more than 3 years, and register on the Beijing Housing Rental Supervision Platform for filing. One parent has been legally and stably employed in the district for more than 3 years.

Chaoyang District has made it clear that families with no registered residence in other districts of the city are enrolled in the district, and parents or other guardians of school-age children should have no housing in the city, and there are no housing transfer records in the city within three years. The housing lease contract provided by the guardian must be signed before May 1, 2021, and must be 3 years old by May 1, 2024. The lease term specified in the General VAT Invoice, the Electronic General VAT Invoice or the Digital Invoice must be 3 years old by May 1, 2024.

The Municipal Education Commission reminded that the centralized collection time of enrollment information is up to May 31, and the collection order has nothing to do with enrollment order and enrollment results. Parents can access the platform through computers or mobile phones, and the information should be accurate and true. In case of any error, they can withdraw and re fill or modify the relevant information at any time. (Li Qiyao)

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