5 hospitals newly opened outpatient clinics for abdominal pain

Date: 2024-05-06 09:29      Source: Beijing Daily

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Recently, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing Geriatric Hospital and other hospitals have opened several outpatient clinics for abdominal pain and health management to provide patients with diversified diagnosis and treatment services.

Chaoyang Hospital has opened a new abdominal pain clinic, which mainly treats and treats diseases with abdominal pain as the primary symptom, including acute abdominal pain and chronic intractable abdominal pain, especially for patients with difficult abdominal pain whose etiology is still unknown after diagnosis and treatment in multiple disciplines. The elderly hospital has opened a new health management clinic, providing medical examination report interpretation, review of abnormal physical examination indicators, prevention of disease by traditional Chinese medicine, comprehensive assessment of elderly health and other items.

Chuiyangliu Hospital has newly opened an outpatient clinic for senile myasthenia and muscular dystrophy. The service contents include: diagnosing asthenia and muscular dystrophy according to the specifications, and evaluating the severity of the disease; Screening related risk factors and complications; Develop individualized treatment plan; Provide health education and long-term follow-up. The hospital reminds that the elderly can come to see a doctor when they are suffering from unexplained fatigue, slow walking, difficulty in standing, unable to lift heavy objects, prone to fall or even fracture, weight or appetite loss, eating and swallowing difficulties.

Luhe Hospital has newly opened a multidisciplinary clinic for simultaneous treatment of brain and heart. The clinic is jointly established by the Department of Cardiology, Neurology and Ultrasound. Through the consultation of multidisciplinary expert teams, it provides one-stop diagnosis and treatment services for patients suffering from heart and cerebrovascular diseases at the same time. Daxing District People's Hospital has opened a new dry eye clinic. The scope of diagnosis and treatment is mainly various dry eyes and eye related diseases that cause dry eyes, such as meibomian gland dysfunction, contact lens related dry eyes, dry syndrome, dry eyes after surgery, etc. (Sun Leqi)

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