On April 19, 2024, the Beijing Book Market will be opened, with nine special zones displaying and selling hundreds of thousands of high-quality publications

Date: 09:45, April 19, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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Original title: The 2024 Beijing Book Market opened today, with nine special zones displaying and selling hundreds of thousands of high-quality publications

2024 The Beijing Book Market will open in Chaoyang Park on April 19, lasting for 11 days. On April 18, in the main exhibition hall of Chaoyang Park, the final exhibition arrangement was under way, and most of the exhibition areas were already filled with high-quality books.

This book fair covers an area of about 11000 square meters, with nine special zones, more than 200 publishing units, more than 50 physical bookstores and other cultural institutions, and a total of more than 270 exhibitors. It will display and sell hundreds of thousands of high-quality publications and cultural products. The physical bookstores in the "16+1" area of the city, the four major bookstores affiliated to Beijing Distribution Group and major bookstores opened their sub booths simultaneously, presenting a three-dimensional book exhibition mode of "linkage between main and sub booths, online and offline combination".

The book market will carry out a series of activities of "one theme for one day", focusing on the characteristics of "old books gain new knowledge and ancient volumes find bosom friends", "childlike innocence and childlike interest, book fragrance overflowing" and other childlike life, inviting writers, scholars and cultural celebrities to hold more than 120 high-quality cultural reading activities, and guiding citizens to participate in and enjoy reading.

The First National Annual Exhibition of Ancient Books Opens

This annual exhibition of old and used books was held for the first time in Beijing Book Market, and gathered more than 40 old and used book businesses nationwide, including Confucius Old Book Network, Tianjin Ancient Book Bookstore, Suzhou Ancient Book Bookstore, etc. According to Liu Yichen, assistant general manager of China Bookstore Co., Ltd., this antique book fair has collected a lot of out of print books, aiming to promote the concept of ancient books to readers, let more people understand the cultural and academic value of ancient books, and then promote excellent traditional culture.

This book market is the first time to introduce four ancient versions of famous works on display. Twenty three versions of Dream of Red Mansions and several drawing versions of Journey to the West enable readers to understand the specific historical evolution process of ancient books. There is also a cultural and creative intangible heritage exhibition and sales experience area beside the exhibition area, where readers can experience the restoration of ancient books. At the same time, readers can contact antique booksellers to purchase the collected ancient books they want to sell through the annual meeting, and they can also exchange books in the exchange area and the book drying area.

The main exhibition area adopts the "canopy dome" for the first time

Different from the traditional exhibitions of previous book fairs, this book fair incorporates cutting-edge fashion elements. Xu Wei, deputy general manager of Beijing Distribution Group, introduced that the concept of "canopy dome", which is popular with young people, was adopted in the main exhibition area to highlight the youth and fashion of the book market.

In addition, the physical bookstore block innovatively integrates the "bookstore+block" mode, introduces the realistic block design, and reappears the personalized reading scene of the bookstore. More than 50 characteristic bookstores, such as Zhong Shuge and PAGEONE Bookstore, have settled in the book market, launched special cultural and creative activities, selected good books, and cultural activities, and created a bookstore block integrating book reading, creative experience, and trend interaction.

It is worth mentioning that the "Reading Town" in the book market has introduced a reading RV and built a reading space in the camp. Self reading equipment and more children's books are provided in the reading RV, which will be introduced into the community in the future to make up for the lack of community culture. It can be seen on the site that the reading camp combines the camping culture that young people like today, and combines reading with cultural tourism to create a new experience. Li Kai, Deputy Director of the Strategic Development Department of Beijing Distribution Group, said that many details of "Reading Town" are aimed at making reading lead life and make reading a way of life for young people.

"Postal Culture Town" was added for the first time

This year's Beijing Book Market added a special section of "Postal Culture Town" for the first time. The town has 8 theme post offices and 5 characteristic cultural experience stores. As soon as you enter the town exhibition area, you can see the "Postal Theme" photo wall for punching cards. Then you can go there and see a postal coffee car. The coffee cups sold in the car are affixed with stamps. Visitors can stamp 20 free stamps in the postal theme exhibition area, and 9 hidden stamps will be revealed in 9 booth units on the opening day.

In addition, this book market is relying on the digital platform of Beijing Distribution Group to create a "cloud based book market", providing readers with 24-hour online book market services. Readers can "cloud" read the electronic map of the book market at any time, "cloud" view, make an appointment, review the wonderful activities of the book market, and "cloud" purchase the boutique books, characteristic cultural creativity, and signature books of celebrities displayed in the book market. By building a multi-dimensional online interactive communication platform, citizens will experience the "palmtop travel" book market, and feel the infinite possibility of universal reading under the guidance of technology. (Lu Yanxia)

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