Babaoshan Funeral Parlour to upgrade its service for the people and explain all aspects of funeral management by phone

Date: 09:40, April 3, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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On April 2, Babaoshan Funeral Home held the eighth public open day activity, and released the commitment of "three types of convenient services" on the spot. It is reported that Babaoshan Funeral Home has further increased the "Galaxy Commissioner", six categories of funeral services and other measures based on the original services for the benefit of the people, bringing greater convenience to the people in funeral management.

The commitment of "three types of convenient services" includes three items: public welfare, convenient service and caring for the people. One of the convenient measures is to set up "Galaxy Commissioner". What are the procedures for funeral management? What funeral supplies do you need? Most of the deceased's families are not very clear. In order to help people with funeral needs to provide funeral companionship, plan funeral plans, and complete the funeral business in a "one-stop" manner, Babaoshan Funeral Home has established a young team: "Galaxy Commissioner".

Walking into the hall of the west wing of Babaoshan Funeral Parlor, you can see several cubicles at a glance. On the signboard in the compartment, the titles of "reception negotiation center negotiator", "funeral planner" and other positions were written. These cubicles are the workplaces of "Galaxy Commissioner". The commissioners displayed different models of hearses, different types of coffins and specific styles of farewell halls to the bereaved families through tablet computers.

"We upgraded the original west wing building to a reception and negotiation center. We integrated multiple phone numbers into the 'Galaxy Hotline'. Citizens in need can consult all matters related to the funeral process by calling 68140400. The 'Galaxy Commissioner' will answer the phone 24 hours a day to provide answer services for everyone." Gao Shifeng, the spokesman of Babaoshan Funeral Home, said.

In addition, Babaoshan Funeral Parlor also launched a farewell hall wreath rental service, where citizens can rent flowers at low prices to express their grief; One code universal service, which uses information technology to advance the link of wearing wristbands for the deceased to the source of body transportation, and realizes the links of body transportation, refrigeration, farewell, cremation, etc; And services such as real-time settlement and payment and electronic invoice issuance. During the Tomb sweeping Day, citizens who come to Laoshan Ashes Hall to offer sacrifices can also experience "water-soluble sacrifice" for free. (Zhang Yue)

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