Transfer in and transfer out of medical insurance can be handled online and offline

Date: 2024-03-28 08:42      Source: Beijing Daily

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In view of the problems related to the cross regional flow of the insured, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau recently explained in detail the payment period and the transfer method of individual account funds, so as to facilitate the timely transfer and continuation procedures of the insured.

Those who have participated in the medical insurance for urban employees in this city who have gone to work in other places and participated in the medical insurance for local urban employees can go through the procedures of transferring out the medical insurance relationship through both online and office windows. During online processing, the applicant opens the "Beijing Medical Insurance Public Service Platform", logs in the "Individual Login" module, clicks "Employee Medical Insurance Relationship Transfer out Application" in the "I want to do" option, and selects the transfer in place to apply for the transfer out business.

At the window, the applicant must carry the original of his or her valid ID card or social security card to the transfer and continuation service window of the agency in each district of the city to apply for business, and the agency will handle the transfer application.

The handling agency will complete the transfer out of the basic medical insurance relationship within 10 working days, generate the Basic Medical Insurance Information Form of the Insured, and upload it to the medical insurance information platform synchronously. If there is a balance in the individual account, the balance transfer procedure of the individual account will be handled. After receiving and confirming the relevant information, the local handling institution will complete the transfer of basic medical insurance relationship within 5 working days.

Those who have participated in the urban employee medical insurance in other places come to work in this city and have participated in the urban employee medical insurance in this city. They can not only handle the transfer formalities of medical insurance relationship at the transfer and continuation service window of the agency in each district, but also apply online. When handling online, click "Application for transfer in of employee medical insurance relationship from other places" in the "I want to handle" option of "Beijing Medical Insurance Public Service Platform", and select the transfer out place to apply for transfer in business.

The municipal medical insurance bureau reminds that for regions that have not yet opened the trans provincial transfer connection network, it can still be handled by mailing paper forms. (Wang Yaoqi, Chai Rong)

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