The "Three Cherries" in Yuyuan Pond ushered in the festival

Date: 2024-03-20 10:13      Source: Beijing Daily

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When the spring breeze blows, everything recovers. In the vigorous season, the "Hangzhou Morning Cherry" in Yuyuantan Park blooms, announcing the news of spring. On March 19, "Cherry welcomes the golden age, 'jade' sees spring" - the 35th Cherry Blossom Cultural Activity and the 5th Spring Flower Show in Yuyuantan Park kicked off. From this week, the early cherry trees of different varieties in the park will gradually enter the viewing period.

At 9:00 a.m. on March 19, the blooming cherry blossoms attracted many tourists and photographers on the Cherry Blossom Lawn in the Cherry Blossom Garden Scenic Area.

Two cherry trees are particularly eye-catching, with some green leaves mixed in the flowers. It turned out that these were two late cherry varieties that were supposed to open in the middle of April.

"Promoting the cultivation of cherry blossoms is a major feature of the park. In previous years, visitors could only see early cherries during the Cherry Blossom Festival. In 2024, because of the early promotion of the cultivation of late cherries and middle cherries in the greenhouse, the scene of early cherries, middle cherries and late cherries blooming at the same time can be seen on the Cherry Blossom Lawn. Tourists can identify which are late cherries and which are middle cherries." Xia Guodong, spokesman of Yuyuantan, said.

It is understood that after 14 years of unremitting efforts, cherry blossom technicians have raised the cherry blossom blossom promotion technology to a new level. Connect the natural flowering period in the open field by means of cultural promotion technology to achieve the new goal of cherry appreciation from the "Spring Festival" to the "May Day".

Up to now, there are nearly 3000 cherry blossoms of more than 40 varieties available for tourists to watch in the park. It is possible to enjoy cherry blossoms of different colors and varieties in different locations throughout the park, and constantly improve the viewing experience.

"During the cherry blossom and spring flower viewing season, for the first time, we combined cultural and creative products in the park with the flower border exhibition, and we can see the landscape sketches of cherry blossom and other flower elements in the park." Xia Guodong introduced that some landscape sketches will also be lit at night to enrich the tourist experience. (Zhang Yue)

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